The adoption of blockchain technology is swiftly gaining momentum throughout Africa. While the continent may not currently lead in resource mobilization, investments in the sector are rapidly gaining speed, benefitting numerous companies in the region.

On Monday, October 23, Uganda's Presidential Advisory Committee on Export and Industrial Development (PACEID) signed a memorandum of understanding with a TA-CargoX technology consortium comprising Technology Associates and CargoX, a blockchain-based document transfer company. The MoU aims to create TradeXchange, a national digital trade facilitation platform.

"The TA-CargoX Consortium will provide a robust, globally compliant digital trade platform as the surest means to integrate Uganda into the global trade network. This platform shall automate the import and export value chain, provide visibility in the trade supply chain, ensuring transparency, traceability, authenticity, and reliability in trade processes, as well as save cost directly for all participants," said Girisch Nair, Chairman of Technology Associates.

The new partnership is part of Uganda's ambitious goal to double its exports by 2026. PACEID aims to leverage this collaboration to support exporters, resolve trade bottlenecks, and easily comply with global trade standards, among other things.

TradeXchange will therefore be a blockchain-based collaboration platform that will streamline processes and improve the flow of information between farmers, producers, traders, and government agencies.

Once up and running, it will help the government reduce cargo release times, cut import compliance costs, and improve the efficiency of risk assessment when importing goods, tax revenue collection, and overall transparency of goods flow.

Samira Njoya

Posted On vendredi, 27 octobre 2023 12:01 Written by

In the past two decades, Africa has increasingly relied on satellite data to accelerate its development. Currently, around ten countries have established their space agencies and are actively pursuing strategies to accomplish their objectives.

On Tuesday, October 24, Senegal’s space agency ASES and the Regional Satellite Communications Organization (RASCOM) signed a memorandum of understanding and strategic partnership on the sidelines of the African Union-European Union Space Dialogue ongoing in Dakar. The agreement aims to strengthen and accelerate Senegal's digitization initiatives by harnessing the capabilities of satellite communication solutions.

As part of the partnership, the two organizations will implement projects to revolutionize various sectors –including telecommunications, agriculture, education, and health– in Senegal through the use of satellite technologies.  

The memorandum of understanding reflects Senegal's commitment to becoming a pioneer in the use of space technology to foster innovation in Africa. It is part of the SenSAT space program launched by the government to meet the country's needs in space products and services and to make the space sector a key driver for socio-economic and sustainable development.

For RASCOM, the protocol aligns entirely with its mission of bridging the digital divide in Africa, ensuring comprehensive connectivity in a sustainable and viable way.

The successful implementation of the partnership will help bridge the digital divide in Senegal, by leveraging cutting-edge satellite communication technologies and providing essential public services to the entire population, including those in far-flung areas.  

The agreement comes just a few days before the launch of  Senegal's first satellite (due on November 10).  

Samira Njoya

Posted On jeudi, 26 octobre 2023 16:00 Written by

The sector is digitalized after a pilot phase led by the Ministry of Tourism’s IT and startup development division.

Last Monday, October 23, Côte d’Ivoire presented SITD, its digital platform aggregating information about its tourism industry. Overall, the platform aggregates 22,641 operators, including 19,201 accommodation and catering establishments and 3,440 dedicated to leisure activities. 

The platform aims to showcase Côte d’Ivoire’s tourist destinations, provide reliable data for strategic decision-making, and information on market trends throughout the country. It bodes well for the upcoming African Cup of Nations (AFCON) to be held in the country between January and February 2024. 

For Tourism Minister Siandou Fofana, who presided over the presentation ceremony in Abidjan, it is a strategic tool unveiled at a time when the country is hosting an AFCON edition focused on innovation and hospitality.  “I would like to reassure you that we are fully aware of the challenges posed by such a platform, particularly in terms of cybersecurity and data protection. Strong technical and organizational measures have been taken to ensure that all your information remains secure and compartmentalized," he said.  

In recent years, Côte d'Ivoire has embarked on revitalizing its tourism sector. Authorities have taken several actions to promote the country as a leading tourist destination in West Africa. Last August, a three-year agreement was signed with French football club Olympique de Marseille to feature the "Sublime Côte d'Ivoire" brand at the club's stadium, and on their shorts, and training shirts.

During the AFCON Cup, the country will host over twenty football teams with their staff and supporters. In that context, the platform will help them geolocate travel agencies, restaurants, tourist sites, bars and nightclubs, hospitals, clinics, petrol stations, etc. 

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On jeudi, 26 octobre 2023 13:22 Written by

Like almost every African country, Niger wants to leverage digital technologies as key drivers for development.  Projects are underway in the country to meet the needs of the population over the next ten years.

Niger is currently working towards the development of its 2023-2032 digital agenda and the improvement of the legal and institutional framework to account for new developments in the digital world. This was announced, last October 21, by Moustapha Tinao, the secretary general of the Nigerien Ministry of Digital Economy, on the sidelines of the Global Encryption Day, celebrated by the Internet Society Niger Chapter in Niamey. 

According to the secretary general, one of the government’s actions is to democratize digital technologies “by making them accessible to everyone, contributing to the achievement of the MDGs and ensuring access to services for all.” 

As part of the Nigerien government's vision, this initiative aims to foster the development of information and communication technologies, positioning digital innovation as a significant catalyst for social and economic progress. Acknowledging the imperative to embrace digital transformation, the leadership seeks to promote universal access to ICTs.

With a fast-growing population already exceeding 25 million, Niger's government aims to urgently meet the demand for digital public services. The country is focusing on digitizing various sectors, including fintech, smart mobility, education, agriculture, and health.

In August, the government announced plans to merge the telecommunications companies Niger Telecoms and Zamani Telecom. The initiative will create a large public company that will better position the State in the national telecoms market, currently dominated by the private sector.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mercredi, 25 octobre 2023 13:37 Written by

Satellite Internet is gaining ground in Africa. Since the beginning of the year, American operator Starlink has been rolling out its services on the continent. New operators are also eying the continent. 

Last week, Chinese satellite communication solutions provider StarWin announced the successful testing of its Electronically Steered Phased Array (ESA) antenna terminal for Communications on the Move (COTM) on the high-speed Ka-band HYLAS 4 satellite of Avanti Communications, a UK provider of high-speed satellite connectivity. The aim is to provide broadband connectivity across Africa to government, military, and corporate clients. 

"We are thrilled to have joined forces with Avanti for this revolutionary project. The successful testing of our Ka-band ESA terminal is just the beginning of a new era. We look forward to further advancements in the industry. The future of mobile connectivity in Africa looks brighter than ever," said Amelia Liu, COO and co-founder of StarWin.

Satellite Internet is an attractive alternative for the African continent, especially for people living in remote areas. Due to various constraints, conventional Internet providers are unable to reach these areas, hindering the pursuit of a key sustainable development objective ensuring affordable Internet access for all in the least developed nations.

Avanti, with its fleet of four HYLAS Ka-band satellites, offers 50 GHz capacity and covers more than 1.7 billion people in 118 countries.

"This latest partnership with StarWin will allow us to expand our offering in Africa’s defense and security sector, by providing greater on-the-move capabilities. This new chapter will further our mission to deliver secure and reliable connectivity to those who need it most," said Donald Walker, Senior Vice President of Government and Defence at Avanti. 

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mardi, 24 octobre 2023 17:21 Written by

Africa continues to be the region where health issues hold paramount importance. However, with the progress of technology, the continent may witness a shift in the right direction if the right policies are implemented. 

The Mobile World Congress Kigali 2023, held from October 17 to 19, enabled guests and participants to discover the latest mobile telecommunications technologies and discuss the future of mobile in Africa. It was also an opportunity to set up initiatives such as the African Digital Health Network (ADHN), launched on the sidelines of the congress.

The new network will serve as an umbrella organization and a marketplace connecting digital health buyers and sellers.

"We hope to build a network that will bring all innovations and unite digital health stakeholders across the continent. We are going to form a kind of marketplace where buyers and sellers in digital health meet. And we hope to build a technology platform to help do all that," said Jean Philbert Nsengimana, Senior Technology Advisor at the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

According to the project's designers, the network will be a not-for-profit organization, but there are plans to “onboard investments and governments” to ensure its implementation, which will be primarily focused on improving the digital health market. At the launch, 150 members from 43 countries signed up at individual and institutional levels.

The launch of the African Digital Health Network comes at a time when the development of e-health is high on the agenda of African governments. In Senegal, for example, the executive secured nearly $50 million from the World Bank in June to digitize its healthcare system.

In Kenya, by 2030, the widespread adoption of selected digital tools could reduce healthcare spending by between $400 million and $2.5 billion, according to consulting firm McKinsey & Company. Hence, establishing a network is imperative to consolidate the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders, ensuring a promising future for healthcare in Africa through the integration of new technologies. 

According to Brian O'Connor, Chairman of the global community ECHAlliance, the network will also highlight Africa's digital healthcare innovations and offer access to global partners through a centralized platform.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mardi, 24 octobre 2023 17:13 Written by

The Saudi technology firm wants to expand across Africa, particularly in the Arab region. To achieve this, it is teaming up with strategic partners.

Last week, Saudi-based digital services and solutions provider Elm signed a memorandum of understanding with CyShield, an Egyptian AI and cybersecurity company. 

The MoU, signed at Gitex Global in Dubai, is aimed primarily at promoting the Saudi firm's expansion in Africa, starting with Egypt.

The two parties will need to establish a framework for bilateral cooperation based on common interests, to achieve their respective objectives. According to Majid Al Arifi, official spokesperson and director of marketing at Elm, in addition to expanding its footprint through various partnerships with companies operating in the technology sector, this agreement will enable the company to explore and evaluate opportunities in regional and international markets and to collaborate on the creation of new joint digital ventures.

At Gitex Africa in Marrakech (Morocco) last May and June, Elm signed a partnership with Senegal Numerique, the agency in charge of the management of Senegal’s digital infrastructure, to foster digital inclusion in the country. 

With over 30 million users and 700,000 corporate customers, Elm aims to provide its Egyptian partner with the tools it needs to strengthen its position as a major player in Egypt’s digital transformation landscape.

According to Al Arifi, strengthening Elm's regional partnerships is a key pillar of efforts to ensure a technological infrastructure that supports digital transformation in the Arab region and on the African continent. It also enables companies to deliver services via digital platforms, guaranteeing maximum efficiency and reliability.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mardi, 24 octobre 2023 15:16 Written by

Recognizing the necessity of affordable and high-quality Internet services for an effective digital economy, the South Sudanese government and its partners have been working, for years now, to strengthen local data capabilities.

Thuraya Telecommunications Company and YahClick, two subsidiaries of Al Yah Satellite Communications Company (Yahsat), a leading provider of satellite solutions in the United Arab Emirates, announced on Monday, October 23 the signing of a partnership agreement with Gate for Technologies (G4T), a company offering integrated systems design and communications services in South Sudan. One of the aims of the partnership is to provide satellite connectivity solutions in several high-growth sectors in South Sudan.

As part of the partnership, Thuraya's satellite technology will be deployed in the country to connect remote communities. Yahsat will also collaborate with humanitarian agencies based in South Sudan, providing essential connectivity to support underserved areas.  

"The new service partner agreement with Gate for Technologies reinforces our commitment to South Sudan and Africa. As the country seeks to rebuild critical sectors of the economy, consistent and reliable connectivity will increasingly play an integral role in furthering socio-economic development," said Ali Al Hashemi, Yahsat Group CEO.

The partnership, which began its implementation with the launch of Thuraya and YahClick services in the country, is part of efforts by the government and its partners to develop the national telecommunications infrastructure and provide e-government services.

The service agreement will leverage G4T's market presence and partnerships with government entities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and mobile network operators (MNOs) to develop the telemedicine, education, and oil and gas sectors. It is a response to the growing demand for connectivity solutions but, its ultimate aim is to help accelerate growth, development, and digital transformation in the country.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mardi, 24 octobre 2023 13:52 Written by

In recent years, Gitex Global has established itself as one of the leading events in the global technology ecosystem where players meet and seal partnerships.  

Last October 19, Morocco’s Directorate General for Information Systems Security (DGSSI) and United Arab Emirates's Cybersecurity Council signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen cybersecurity cooperation between the two countries. 

In the framework of that MoU – signed on the sidelines of Gitex Global in Dubai, the two entities will set up a joint committee to plan and oversee the implementation of various activities aimed at responding to cyber-attacks, which are constantly on the rise due to the acceleration of digital transformation. The committee will hold annual meetings as required, alternating between Morocco and the United Arab Emirates.

In recent years, Morocco has multiplied investments and partnerships to secure its cyberspace, government information systems, and public institutions, among other targets. In May 2022, an agreement was signed with Deloitte Morocco Cyber Center to promote scientific and technological research in cybersecurity. At Gitex Africa, held in Marrakech from May 31 to June 2, authorities signed a memorandum of understanding with the French company Mazars. Under that MoU, the French company will invest $7.5 million for the creation of an excellence center specializing in data analytics, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

According to the International Telecommunication Union's Global Cybersecurity Index 2020, Morocco is one of the African champions in the sector, along with South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, and Egypt. It ranks 50th internationally. It has already ratified the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime (in 2015) and also created a legal framework and specialized institutions to improve its cyberattack preparedness.

Let’s note that according to the "Cybersecurity in Africa-Call to Action" report published in June 2023 by the firm Kearney, African countries are not investing enough as mature markets do. In terms of strategy, governance, operational entities, and cross-sector cooperation, the firm concludes that the continent's ability to resist, adapt, and recover from cyberattacks is weak.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On lundi, 23 octobre 2023 13:52 Written by

In Africa, the ongoing digital transformation has accelerated over the past few years. This affects every sector and player, including SMEs, which play key roles in the African economy. 

 The Namibian Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) and the Estonian Development Council (EstDev) recently signed an agreement launching “Entrepreneurship Minds”, a partnership aimed at developing the digital capabilities and skills of Namibian micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), local media outlets reveal.  

The new program, implemented in collaboration with Estonia’s Tallinn University of Technology, also aims to provide financial support and high-quality training for SMEs. The aim is to empower and unlock Namibia's untapped business potential, with an emphasis on technology and e-commerce.

According to Dino Ballotti, Executive Director of the MSME Business Development Investment Committee at NIPDB, the program comes at a particular time in the cooperation between Namibia and Estonia. EstDev's "African Regional Strategy 2020-2030 positions Namibia as a key collaborator for Estonia. Moreover, Estonia's investment in pioneering a digital transformation and fostering entrepreneurship resonates with Namibia's strategic vision, especially when considered alongside the European Union's green hydrogen initiative," he said.

The program was launched after a visit, to Estonia, by the Namibian Investment Promotion and Development Board last May. It is part of the actions taken by Estonia, since 2013, to support the digitization of Namibia’s public sector. To date, Estonia has supported a dozen digital projects, to the tune of around €750,000. 

Ultimately, the program will foster startup ecosystems, finance innovative local solutions to development challenges, and strengthen the economy. According to the Namibian Statistics Agency, SMEs contribute around 12% to the country's GDP and employ over 200,000 people.

For Nelli Timm, EstDev's Regional Advisor for Africa, this new project will play a central role in strengthening Namibia's SME sector through the development of digital capabilities and skills. "This ambitious partnership between Namibia and Estonia promises to not only unlock business potential but also to foster digital innovation and economic growth in the region," she said.

Samira Njoya

Posted On lundi, 23 octobre 2023 13:44 Written by
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