To accelerate the implementation of “Digital Egypt 2030”, its digital transformation strategy, Egypt bets on international cooperation. In its bids, it is supported by several strategic partners. 

On Saturday, September 28, Microsoft Egypt and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation to advance sustainable development and promote digital innovation in Egypt.

Under the agreement, UNDP and Microsoft will work together to promote digital skills and skills enhancement for future jobs and employability, with a focus on empowering women and girls, among other things.

"We are thrilled to enter this strategic partnership with Microsoft Egypt. This collaboration signifies our joint commitment to harnessing the power of digital innovation and technology for sustainable development in Egypt. By combining our expertise and resources, we aim to empower Egyptian youth, and promote gender equality," said Alessandro Fracassetti (photo, center), UNDP Resident Representative in Egypt.

According to the UNDP press release, the agreement also highlights progress in agro-technology and the transformation of the food system. In this sense, the agreement will enable the implementation of agritech solutions that address food security challenges and promote sustainable agriculture in Egypt. Both parties will also share expertise and best practices to support the digital transformation of the public sector, improving service delivery and governance processes. The partnership also aims to advance digital transformation programs in the public sector, including the integration of AI.

The MoU adds to the international cooperation actions undertaken by the government to successfully implement “Digital Egypt 2030,” its digital transformation strategy.  According to Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, the Ministry's development cooperation portfolio included 34 projects in the fields of innovation, digitization, and entrepreneurship. They are valued at one billion dollars, representing 4% of the overall portfolio. 

Posted On lundi, 02 octobre 2023 17:30 Written by

The ongoing digital transformation has shown its potential to accelerate development across Africa. Recognizing that potential, most countries on the continent are embracing it to speed up the achievement of development goals.

Kenya has joined the Pan African Payments and Settlement System (PAPSS), Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria announced on X (formerly Twitter) on September 29.

According to the government official, the "Central Bank of Kenya has signed the instruments that have finally seen Kenya join the Pan African Payments and Settlement System (PAPSS)."

Kenya's participation in PAPSS is a significant step towards promoting smoother and cost-effective intra-African trade and enhancing economic collaboration across the continent.

The move further strengthens the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) initiative as it enables Kenyan companies to settle trade transactions with other countries in the PAPSS network using local currencies.  

PAPSS, launched in January 2022, is a digital centralized payments and settlement system designed for intra-African trade. It is headquartered in Cairo, Egypt, and is overseen by African Central Banks. With more than 25 leading banks across Africa, including Ecobank, Zenith Bank, and Stanbic, connected to it, the system simplifies payment transactions. It enables companies to settle trade transactions in their local currencies, helping save on foreign exchange costs and the liquidity challenges companies would have faced if they were to rely on non-African correspondent banks for trade settlement.

The introduction of this system will help African nations save close to $5 billion annually in trade transaction costs.

Hikmatu Bilali

Posted On lundi, 02 octobre 2023 15:05 Written by

Thanks to the regional fiber loop it is building by interconnecting with its neighbors, Tanzania aims to form a large regional loop that will enable it to offer its population high-quality, affordable, and ultra-high-speed connectivity.

Tanzania will connect Uganda to its National Fibre Optic Cable network named National ICT Broadband Backbone (NICTBB). This is one of the terms of a memorandum of understanding signed between Tanzania Telecommunications Corporation (TTCL) and the National Information Technology Authority Uganda (NITA-U) on Friday, September 29, to strengthen the ICT cooperation between the two countries.

The 15-year agreement will be implemented by NITA-U and TTCL, costing $28.8 million.

"ICT connections with Uganda will create another connection opportunity with other countries. The government will continue investing in infrastructure management to increase productivity,” said Nape Nnauye, Tanzania's ICT Minister, adding that the agreement offers an important opportunity to establish a connection between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan in the coming months.

This ICT partnership between Tanzania and Uganda is the result of Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan's visit to Uganda in May 2022. During that visit, she agreed with her Ugandan counterpart Yoweri Museveni to integrate the two countries' ICT backbones for improved internet services.  

According to Chris Baryomunsi, Uganda's Minister of ICT and National Orientation, the MoU will transform people's lives by providing them with opportunities. It will also stimulate economic growth in both countries through the use of ICT.

Tanzania's fiber optic link with Uganda will follow that currently underway with Malawi. Earlier this month, Tanzania signed an agreement with Malawian authorities to extend its national fiber optic infrastructure to the border town of Kasumulo. Once the interconnection is complete, Uganda will join the list of countries with which Tanzania shares an interconnection. These include Burundi, Kenya, Mozambique, and Rwanda.

Samira Njoya

Posted On lundi, 02 octobre 2023 14:15 Written by

French telecommunications group Orange is stepping up its investments to facilitate digital transformation in its operating countries. The lab inaugurated is its third in Africa and the 19th worldwide. 

Orange, a French telecoms group operating in 16 African countries, inaugurated its 5G lab in Antananarivo, Madagascar, last Thursday, September 28. The lab was inaugurated during a trade fair organized to showcase the 5G internet speed. It enables various players in the technology sector to discover 5G, demonstrate its use cases, and assess the potential of 5G in their products and services.  

"This fair marks the launch in Madagascar of an Orange 5G Lab, which is based at the Orange Digital Center Madagascar premises in Ankorondrano. The Orange 5G Lab Madagascar program aims to help digital and economic players better understand the opportunities, value, and usefulness of 5G," Orange indicates in a press release. 

5G offers higher upload and download speeds and more consistent connections, revolutionizing the technology sector in many ways. With its labs and similar investments, Orange is increasingly establishing itself as a key player in the acceleration of digital transformation in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Antananarivo-based Orange 5G Lab is the third it inaugurated in Africa. In June and September 2022, it respectively inaugurated Orange 5G Labs in Dakar (Senegal) and Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire). 

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On lundi, 02 octobre 2023 13:25 Written by

The healthtech startup is taking that difficult decision four years after its creation with some $45 million in funding attracted and numerous strategic partnerships. 

For several days now, startup 54gene's website has been inaccessible. According to sources close to the company quoted by Nigerian media outlet Techcabal, the company is winding down operations. The process, initiated in July 2023, was prompted by financial challenges and internal conflicts.

In early 2023, Abasi Ene-Obong, the figurehead of healthtech specializing in genomic research, tendered his resignation following accusations of financial malfeasance. Ron Chiarello, who was appointed in March 2023 to replace him, left three months later. Last July, he said the company “could not continue to operate financially.”

Founded in 2019 by Abasi Ene-Obong, Damilola Oni, Gatumi Aliyu, and Ogochukwu Francis Osifo, 54gene had a grand ambition: to bridge the genomics research gap in Africa with the aim of discovering new healthcare solutions for the continent's populations and those of African descent. Strategic collaborations have been initiated to this end.

In May 2022, 54gene signed a memorandum of understanding with the Académie Nationale des sciences et techniques du Sénégal (ANSTS), the human genetics department of the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odonto-stomatology at Dakar's Cheikh Anta Diop University. The aim of the collaboration was to gain a better understanding of hereditary diseases and improve medical monitoring of the Senegalese population.

SEN-GENOME, a study of the genetic heritage of populations, was scheduled to start in July 2022. It was to trace the history of Senegalese populations and identify genetic risk factors for diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, certain infectious diseases, and rare genetic diseases. Initial results were expected in December 2023. 

This research will probably be concluded by the Senegalese party unless Abasi Ene-Obong, the former CEO of 54gene who had materialized this cooperation, takes it over. On September 15, on social media, he announced the launch of his new company Syndicate Bio. This company is also focused on genomic research and precision medicine.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On vendredi, 29 septembre 2023 17:11 Written by

With digital transformation accelerating worldwide, interest in cloud services is intensifying. Other continents have made considerable progress in that field while Africa barely accounts for 1% of the data centers installed globally.  

Chinese tech giant Huawei will invest $200 million to create Africa's first public cloud center, offering over 200 cloud services. Terry HE, President of Huawei Northern Africa (North, West, and Central Africa), made the announcement at the opening of the 8th edition of "Huawei Connect", held from September 20 to 22 in Shanghai, China.

"Every technological evolution is the result of perseverance, exploration, and investment," said Terry HE (photo), before adding that "to expedite intelligent transformation in Northern Africa, Huawei will intensify its investments in technologies, ecosystems, and talent."

The $200 million investment announced is part of the $430 million the company plans to invest in Africa over the next five years. Under that investment plan, Huawei will make a further $200 million available to support 200 local software partners and strengthen 1,300 distribution partners. The remaining $30 million will be injected to train 10,000 local developers and 100,000 digital professionals, creating a skilled workforce to drive smart transformation in the region.

This initiative is part of Huawei's new strategy to assist Africa toward a "smart, connected future". In addition to improving deployment capacity, reducing costs, and securing data storage, Huawei's public cloud will also provide services capable of supporting extensive, efficient, and high-quality digital coverage, while reducing carbon emissions.

It should be remembered that Africa's share of the cloud market is still relatively marginal compared with the global market, which reached $445 billion in 2021. According to the report "Global Cloud Computing Market (2021 to 2028)", that market will triple to $1,200 billion by 2028. To improve its share in the market, Africa needs significant investments.

Samira Njoya

Posted On vendredi, 29 septembre 2023 16:53 Written by

The digital world offers development opportunities, but it also poses privacy threats, jeopardizing citizens' security. Authorities are intensifying efforts to restore user trust and ensure data protection.

Kenya's Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) fined three entities a total of KES 9,375,000, according to a September 26 press release.

Among the entities fined is Mulla Pride Ltd, a Digital Credit Provider (DCP) that operates the KeCredit and Faircash mobile lending apps. It received a KES 2,975,000 fine for the misuse of personal information obtained from third parties. This data was inappropriately used to intimidate and harass individuals.

The second entity is the Casa Vera Lounge, a popular restaurant in Nairobi. They were fined KES 1,850,000 for posting a customer's image on their social media platform without the subject's consent.

Meanwhile, Roma School, an educational institution in Uthiru, received a KES 4,550,000 penalty for posting pictures of minors without parental consent.

These penalty notices were issued per Sections 62 and 63 of the Data Protection Act, 2019, and Regulations 20 and 21 of the Data Protection (Complaints Handling Procedure and Enforcement) Regulations, 2021.

The ODPC's actions aim to safeguard the rights and privacy of individuals, reinforcing the significance of complying with data protection regulations. These penalties are expected to prompt greater vigilance and adherence to data protection rules throughout the country.

Hikmatu Bilali

Posted On vendredi, 29 septembre 2023 12:25 Written by

The AI conversational agent has been revolutionizing the technology sector since its launch. But, OpenAI, the company that owns the technology, is still improving that groundbreaking tool. 

Californian AI firm OpenAI announced on Wednesday, September 27 that its flagship product ChatGPT, an AI-powered conversational agent, can now browse the Internet and provide real-time information. This functionality is available thanks to Browse with Bing, the result of its collaboration with Microsoft.

"ChatGPT can now browse the internet to provide you with current and authoritative information, complete with direct links to sources. It is no longer limited to data before September 2021. Since the original launch of browsing in May, we received useful feedback.[...] Browsing is available to Plus and Enterprise users today, and we’ll expand to all users soon. To enable, choose Browse with Bing in the selector under GPT-4," explains OpenAI on social media..

Thanks to a number of strategic partnerships, OpenAI is strengthening its market position with this development. While announcing several features for ChatGPT, OpenAI also announced on Monday, September 25 that its conversational agent can see, hear, and speak.

"We’re rolling out voice and images in ChatGPT to Plus and Enterprise users over the next two weeks. Voice is coming on iOS and Android (opt-in in your settings) and images will be available on all platforms," OpenAi wrote on its website. 

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On jeudi, 28 septembre 2023 14:23 Written by

Cryptocurrency and blockchain adoption is growing rapidly around the globe. To stay relevant in the market in such context, global fintechs are committed to expanding their services and bridging the gap between fiat and digital currencies.

On Tuesday, September 26, US financial services company MoneyGram announced plans to launch its digital wallet, which enables conversion to fiat currency, next year.

The wallet, which will officially debut in the first quarter of 2024, will enable consumers worldwide to leverage stablecoin technology to seamlessly switch between fiat and digital currencies or the other way around, all via Moneygram.

"Our vision to connect the world's communities, by empowering our customers through innovative financial solutions, takes another step forward today. [...] We're thrilled to have the vision, strategic plans, innovative technology, and expansive retail network in place to continue offering consumers access to the digital economy, but now further backed by our global reputation for speed, efficiency, and trust," said Alex Holmes, MoneyGram CEO.

The launch of Moneygram's crypto wallet is part of a partnership signed with the Stellar Development Foundation. The agreement became effective last year, with the launch of an initial service aimed at offering a bridge between cash and cryptocurrency.  The service has been extended to eight digital wallets on the Stellar blockchain, offering consumers the ability to make withdrawals in over 180 countries and cash-ins in more than 30 countries worldwide.

As such, the new non-custodial wallet will use the Stellar network and MoneyGram's fiat transfer services to facilitate instant transactions. It will be a “zero-fee service” until June 2024, redefining cross-border payments and giving MoneyGram customers new ways to send and receive money.

Samira Njoya

Posted On jeudi, 28 septembre 2023 14:11 Written by

With digital transformation accelerating across Africa, it is now crucial to build the continent’s digital skills. In Kenya, private and public stakeholders are multiplying partnerships for that purpose. 

Last week, MaMa Doing Good, a Kenyan NGO headed by First Lady Rachel Ruto, announced a memorandum of understanding with Huawei to provide digital literacy training to some 14,000 women groups in the country. 

The partnership between the two institutions encompasses several key areas, including bridging the digital divide, improving digital skills, advocating for digital literacy, and communicating and documenting the program and its impact.

“We are thrilled to join forces with MaMa Doing Good to empower women with the digital skills they need to thrive in today’s world. Through this collaboration, we aim to bridge the digital divide and create a brighter future for women in Kenya,” said  Steven Zhang, Deputy CEO at Huawei Kenya.

For MaMa Doing Good, the new partnership “symbolizes a shared commitment to building an equitable society where every individual, especially women, can lead lives that are not just happy and fulfilled, but profoundly transformed. It resonates deeply with Kenya’s Vision 2030, underlining the paramount importance of digital literacy and economic empowerment” on Kenya’s roadmap to progress.

According to John Chumo (photo, center), CEO of MaMa Doing Good, investing in women's economic empowerment will pave the way for gender equality, poverty eradication, and inclusive economic growth. Digital equipment and skills will be a catalyst for change that will profoundly improve their lives, he believes.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mercredi, 27 septembre 2023 15:33 Written by
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