The services materialize the partnership agreement signed by the two companies in October 2022. After South Africa, they plan on entering countries like Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, and Zambia.

Last week, BCX, a subsidiary of telecoms operator Telkom, launched its cloud service, dubbed Africa Local Public (ALP), in partnership with Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba. Data will be stored in two centers in South Africa's largest city, Johannesburg.

"This strategic initiative addresses the rising demand for secure, scalable, and high-performance cloud solutions that cater to the distinct requirements of South African businesses.[...] The launch of ALP cloud serves multiple purposes, one of which accentuates our dedication to maintaining a local presence. As a result, when our customers opt for BCX local cloud services, they will be directly connecting with and supported by a South African company,” explains Jonas Bogoshi, CEO of BCX.

Data centers, whose role is to process, secure, and store digital data, are of vital importance in the digital transformation process underway on the continent. They will enable African countries to acquire digital sovereignty, i.e. the ability to act in cyberspace and to ensure that their rules are respected by the various players in the virtual world. Africa accounts for barely 1% of the data centers installed worldwide and South Africa hosts more than half of them. 

The new partnership is part of South Africa's national data and cloud computing policy. Among other things, this policy aims to create an environment conducive to the development of the data ecosystem and to promote access to data and cloud services. BCX and Alibaba are also planning to build new centers in Cape Town (South Africa), Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, and Zambia.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mercredi, 11 octobre 2023 14:45 Written by

When it comes to scientific research, Africa still lags behind the rest of the world. To bridge this gap, new initiatives are being launched to encourage it on the continent.

On Thursday, October 5, Google unveiled the list of 11 African startups selected for the first cohort of its Google for Startups Accelerator: AI First program, which aims to support startups that use artificial intelligence to tackle Africa's unique challenges.

The selected startups come from South Africa (Avalon Health), Ghana (Chatbots Africa), Senegal (Lengo AI), Uganda (Logistify AI), Ethiopia (Telliscopen, Garri Logistics), Kenya (Dial Afrika Inc, Fastagger Inc ) and Nigeria (Famasi Africa, Izifin, Vzy). They were chosen from a vast pool of innovative talent, offering solutions to global problems through the use of artificial intelligence.

They will each benefit from a 10-week acceleration path, an allocation of $350,000 in Google Cloud credits, mentoring sessions, technical advice, and networking opportunities to enhance their reach and impact.

Ultimately, the training will enable these specialized startups to benefit from Google's vast network to further develop their businesses and promote the use of AI in their respective countries at a time when McKinsey Global Institute report indicates that AI could increase Africa's GDP to $1.3 trillion by 2030. This demonstrates the undeniable potential of artificial intelligence to power solutions and drive economic growth.

"Our chosen startups for the ‘AI First’ program embody this vision, leveraging AI in pioneering ways to address both local and global challenges. We’re here excited to support and amplify their impact," said Folarin Aiyegbusi, Google’s Head of Startup Ecosystem, Africa.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mercredi, 11 octobre 2023 14:29 Written by

Tunisia wants to capitalize on accelerating digital transformation to modernize its administration. For that project, the North African country sees Japan as a key partner. 

On Tuesday, October 10, Tunisia's Minister of Communication Technologies, Nizar Ben Neji (photo, left), and his Japanese counterpart for Digital Transformation, Taro Kono (photo, right), signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at promoting bilateral cooperation in the field of digital transformation and modern technologies.

The memorandum, signed on the sidelines of Mr. Ben Neji's current visit to Japan, covers e-government, digital transition, experience sharing, data analytics, e-payment, digital identity, cloud, artificial intelligence solutions, and more.

"This memorandum is also a translation of the commitment of both countries to strengthen and open the horizons of cooperation between Tunisia and Japan to benefit from global best practices and opportunities available in the fields of digital transformation and modern technologies to develop government services for citizens and institutions, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, and support sustainable development goals," said the Tunisian Ministry of Communication Technologies in a statement.

The signing of this memorandum of understanding is part of the actions undertaken by the Tunisian government in recent months to promote digital transformation. It comes a few months after the signing of a memorandum of understanding with China to promote collaboration in several areas, including digital infrastructure, research and innovation, skills development, digital technology development, cybersecurity, the digital economy, and the exchange of expertise.

The new protocol will enable Tunisia to take advantage of Japanese expertise and make considerable progress towards achieving the objectives of its digital strategy, which is due to be implemented by 2025. It will also enable Japan to "benefit from Tunisia's experience in several e-government projects, in particular the digital identity project, information exchange, cybersecurity regulation and the encouragement of startups," said Taro Kono.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mardi, 10 octobre 2023 17:12 Written by

The Chinese video-sharing platform TikTok is enjoying great success on the African continent. While some countries have no problem with it, Senegal considers the application to be a threat to national stability. 

TikTok will remain suspended until further notice in Senegal, Minister of Communication Moussa Bocar Thiam (photo) said at a press conference last October 5. According to the government official, the government is in talks with the social network’s executives to lift that suspension.  

"It's an unfortunate situation because our objective is [to guarantee] the free use of this platform [...] For the moment, the restriction is maintained pending the conclusion of a comprehensive written agreement," he said. 

Three conditions were set out for the lifting of the suspension.  Firstly, the Minister insisted on the need for TikTok to put in place a mechanism guaranteeing the deletion of fake accounts and accounts with subversive content. He also called for a local representation in Senegal. 

Finally, the government called for regulation of the application's algorithm in Senegal, to control content that could run counter to Senegalese values and negatively influence young people. According to the Minister, it's a question of knowing what content is being offered to Senegalese.

The ban on TikTok was imposed in August following the arrest of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko. At the time, Senegalese authorities said it was "the preferred network used by malicious individuals to spread hateful and subversive messages threatening the country's stability." 

Despite being banned in the country, it is still widely used by the Senegalese youths who use means like VPNs to bypass censorship. 

Samira Njoya

Posted On lundi, 09 octobre 2023 17:00 Written by

Over the past decade, the Kenyan government has invested heavily to make the country a technological hub in East Africa. It wants to reach even greater heights with the support of various partners. 

On Thursday, October 5 in Nairobi, the European Union (EU) Commission launched a €430 million digital package aimed at extending connectivity in Kenyan schools, creating a green digital innovation center, and supporting the government in its digital transition.

The package, unveiled during the official visit of the European Union's Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, underlines the EU's commitment to Kenya's technological transformation.

"Expanding digital connectivity, upskilling jobs, and driving digital governance and services is at the heart of what our investment strategy is about: Creating sustainable connections and local added value while cutting unsustainable dependencies," said Jutta Urpilainen.

The launch of this digital package in Kenya is part of Europe's Global Gateway strategy, an initiative of the European Commission to advance the dual digital and green transition and provide reliable, sustainable connections to partner countries.

In Kenya, the initiative will reduce the digital divide by providing Internet access to around 1,300 schools in remote areas. A grant of 9.8 million euros will fund the development of infrastructure and digital educational skills and services in schools in 47 counties. These will benefit over 219,000 children as part of the GIGA program, a global initiative set up by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The package will also enable the creation of a green digital innovation cluster supported by the EU and Germany, as well as e-government initiatives in partnership with Estonia and Germany, and participation in Govstack, an innovative community project formed as part of a multilateral partnership between Germany, Estonia, ITU, and Digital Impact Alliance.

According to William Ruto, President of the Republic of Kenya, the aim of the partnership with the European Union is to create a link that will contribute to sustainable development, the empowerment of the most disadvantaged, and the promotion of good governance and the rule of law in the country.

Samira Njoya

Posted On lundi, 09 octobre 2023 16:51 Written by

The ongoing digital revolution has encouraged a growing number of young Africans to venture into the path of entrepreneurship and innovation, giving the continent a glimmer of hope. However, their endeavors are sometimes slowed by the lack of financing. 

The Baobab Network, a startup accelerator providing technical and financial support to entrepreneurs in Africa, announced on Thursday, October 5 its intention to invest in a thousand African technology companies over the next decade.

"We have the platform to dramatically scale the number of investments we review and execute across Africa. Our goal is to empower 1000 start-ups, catalyzing innovation and driving economic growth across the continent," said Baobab co-founder Toby Hanington. 

Around 60% of Africa's population is under the age of 25, making the continent the world's youngest. This translates into a large youth population, and highlights the immense potential for youth-led innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.

Like The Baobab Network, multinationals like Microsoft believe in the potential of this enterprising youth and are investing accordingly. In 2022, the American computer software company announced its plan to support the growth of around 10,000 African startups over the next five years.

According to its executives, Microsoft intends to become "one of the cornerstones of the continent's digital economy and provide relevant solutions to Africa's societal challenges". For the company, this means working towards an explosion of local innovations that will contribute positively, not only to Africa's digital economy, but also to global society.

Since its launch in 2019, Baobab has invested in 45 startups in 15 African countries. Thanks to the establishment of its new co-investment vehicle, future cohorts will benefit from an investment of $100,000 each, up from $50,000 previously. The new cohort includes Brandrive, PocketFood, and Bunce (Nigeria), as well as Kawu (Uganda) and Alal (Senegal).

Samira Njoya

Posted On vendredi, 06 octobre 2023 11:17 Written by

Moussa Bagnon, one of the members of the Ivorian team that won the Sony Talent League last March recently agreed to talk to We Are Tech Africa. During this interview, he discusses the competition, his ambitions for the animation and special effects sectors as well as the Afro VFX training program that enabled him to enter the industry.  

We Are Tech: Hi Mr. Bagnon, can you tell us a bit about your background? 

Moussa Bagnon: I have a degree in electronics and a passion for the digital, photography and video. I was part of the first cohort of the Afro VFX training course organized by Orange Côte d'Ivoire in 2022. The aim of the course was to introduce young people to special effects and animation.

WAT: Before this training, were you already familiar with special effects and animation?

MB: No, I had no prior knowledge. I did start out in related fields with computer graphics and video editing. I had some idea of the tools that could be used to create 3D and animation, but I had no skills in these areas.

WAT: How did you join the first cohort of the Afro VFX training program?

MB : I heard about the training at the Orange Digital Center Côte d'Ivoire, a center dedicated to coaching and developing digital skills. I took part in Orange Summer Challenge 2021, a summer internship that enables young people to carry out a project to solve a social problem. After that, I kept up a good relationship with the members of the Orange Digital Center Côte d'Ivoire, which I visited regularly. Then I heard about Afro VFX and applied.

WAT: How did the apprenticeship go when you were selected?

MB: The apprenticeship began with MASTERCLASSES on special effects. Following a selection process, the most motivated and able, whether amateurs or beginners, were selected to follow the certification course. The first sessions focused on Maya software for 3D modeling and animation. Next, we learned about simulation using software such as Houdini. The sessions took place online every Saturday with different trainers over several weeks.  

WAT: Did the training meet your expectations? In particular, in terms of the animation skills you were looking for?

MB : When I entered the Afro VFX program, what I really wanted was to be able to animate and create special effects like professionals. I can't say that I have become a professional after the course but I did learn a lot about the basics of the trade. We were given technical skills, but first, we had to learn about the industry's ecosystem with the world of studios and how animators collaborate. I believe three months of training can not make me a professional who can start applying for animation jobs. It is just an initiation.  Also, I was looking to upgrade myself to international animation and special effects standards. So, this level can’t be reached within just three months.  Nevertheless, I have learned a lot and I’m still learning. We are already seeing animation projects by very talented people in Côte d’Ivoire, but I’m really aiming for international standards. So, I still want to improve my skills. 

WAT : With the skills you acquired during the 3-month training, you and other students from the Afro VFX cohort won the Sony Talent League (a worldwide digital competition) in March with your animated documentary "Djossi Heroes". How did you get to take part in such a high-profile competition when you were still not confident your skills would match international standards? 

MB : We heard about the competition through Dedy Bilamba, one of the co-founders of the Afro VFX program, who shared the competition link with us. We heard about it a few weeks before the first deadline, but the criteria were really up to the international standards I was aiming for, for example. It was an opportunity for us to gauge our current level. We set off to discover the competition and put our new skills into practice. We didn't really think we'd win the competition. First, we had to submit a pitch, and out of the 600 projects submitted, five, including ours, were selected and then we had to work for 10 weeks with our mentors to present the final version.

WAT: Can you tell us about the project that made you win the competition?

MB : It's called Djossi Heroes, a 15-minute documentary series that puts the spotlight on petty traders. The first episode, for example, is about a water vendor and her business. For us, these people are everyday heroes. Our job was to use animation to bring the heroine's ambitions and dreams to life so that they would shine in the documentary. We collaborated with two other students from the Afro VFX cohort and a cartoonist, under the supervision of our instructors who helped us structure the project.

WAT: What do you think attracted the judges to Djossi Heroes?

MB : The 5 finalists submitted great projects, but I think what made the difference with our project is the social impact and awareness-raising on immigration and other important subjects that we dealt with in the episodes. I think the jury was more attracted by the impact of our project.

WAT: What do you plan to do next?

MB: For now, the plan is to improve Djossi Heroes. The next step will be to find investors to finish and distribute it on a large scale. At the same time, I will continue to train myself to reach the skill level I desire. I want to contribute to the improvement of animation and special effects in Côte d'Ivoire, and Africa.

WAT: Are you planning to take part in the next Afro VFX cohort?

MB : Of course. The first cohort was more of an initiation than anything else. The second cohort provides for real specialization, and there I'll have the opportunity to choose a very specific area of special effects. It's a much broader sector than you might think. There are people who do texturing, some specialize in animation, others in composition. I will have the chance to perfect my simulation skills. 

WAT: You've greatly stressed on international standards. Do you think that Africa is still far from reaching those standards?

MB: We're gradually getting there.  With what we're seeing in certain countries like Nigeria and Côte d'Ivoire, there are quite a few studios doing good work. We're not up to international standards, but we're not far off.

WAT: Do you think there's a real demand for animation specialists in Africa right now?

MB : I think there's a real need because the continent is producing more and more content, especially animated films. There are more and more African projects of this kind, but the people behind these initiatives are often obliged to outsource the animation part and entrust it to professionals outside Africa, in order to get quality animation. That's why training is so important. In Africa, we have great stories, but we need to train animators and special effects specialists to perfect the narration. 

WAT: What message would you like to pass on to young people like yourself who want to get into animation and special effects?

MB: I want to encourage them because we're seeing more and more African animated films on well-known platforms like Netflix, so we can say that the sector is growing. Africa is very closely watched by the outside world in this field, so I'd ask them not to hesitate. It's a sector that feeds its people and has a future. I'd also like to appeal to African authorities for more support in the field because it can create a lot of jobs for Ivorians and Africans in general. 

WAT: I think your appeal will be heard. Thank you for your time.

MB: Thank you too.

Interview by Servan Ahougnon

Posted On vendredi, 06 octobre 2023 11:13 Written by

Incumbent operator Telecom Egypt is gradually moving towards its goal of becoming the leading connectivity services provider in the region. As part of its strategy, the company is teaming up with like-minded international partners.

Egyptian telecom operator Telecom Egypt and 4iG, a Hungarian IT service management company, signed a memorandum of understanding in Cairo on Wednesday, October 4, to link Egypt and Albania via a high-capacity fiber optic submarine cable.

The cable to be built will be a new traffic entry to Europe via Albania and will add a new multiple route to Egyptian-European traffic. "With an open access model and multiple branching units, the system is set up to be a new European cable entry point with a different transit passage compared to the already existing Mediterranean routes to the main internet Point of Presence (PoP) such as the ones in Frankfurt in addition to numerous potential Points of Presence in Eastern Europe," said 4iG in a press release.

For Budapest-based 4iG, the new agreement represents a gateway to “enter as a new player in the market for intercontinental data transmission infrastructure between Europe and Asia, and Europe and East Africa.”  Meanwhile, Telecom Egypt indicates that the initiative is part of its strategy to diversify transit options in the Mediterranean basin by means of multiple, high-capacity submarine cables linking Egypt and Europe.

According to Amr Talaat, Egypt's Minister of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), the country is already connected to 14 international submarine cables, and work is underway to establish five new cables. In addition, Telecom Egypt is the partner of choice for the deployment of submarine cables for over 160 companies worldwide.

Ultimately, the new submarine cable will, among other things, facilitate connectivity in the countries concerned and create new opportunities for cooperation with partners in many countries.

Samira Njoya

Posted On jeudi, 05 octobre 2023 16:04 Written by

The test is carried out in preparation for a service rollout in 2024. 

American satellite service provider Starlink has rolled out its services in Tunisia for a three-month trial period. This was announced, on Monday, October 2, by the Ministry of Communication Technologies during a workshop organized to discuss the present and future situation of satellite internet in Tunisia. 

The test will be carried out in three cities, namely Tunis, Ariana, and Gabes. It aims, among other things, to help discover satellite Internet technologies and compare them with traditional methods currently available in Tunisia, such as internet services offered by telecom operators, fiber optics, or subsea cables. It will also offer the opportunity to review the legal and regulatory framework surrounding the marketing of the services as well as the business model. 

Tunisia, like most countries on the continent, is looking for alternatives to connect the majority of the population, in this case those in landlocked and/or remote areas, through its national strategy for the development of digital infrastructure and technical solutions. This pilot phase follows Tunisian ICT Minister Nizar Ben Néji's visit to the United States in July.  During his visit, the government official signed a partnership agreement with the American firm to enable his ministry, the national spectrum agency, the Telecommunications Research and Studies Center, and the telecoms regulator to draw up licenses for the provision of satellite Internet services.

According to its roll-out schedule published earlier this year, Tunisia is not due to receive Starlink’s internet services in 2024. The pilot phase launched this month (the first month of the fourth quarter of the year), confirms this schedule.  

Let’s note that according to DataReportal, in Tunisia, Internet penetration rate was 66.7% in 2022. 

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mercredi, 04 octobre 2023 16:03 Written by

With the advent of digital technology, Kenya has turned to biometrics to improve the identification of its population.  Thanks to a system already in place, in the coming months the executive will be able to provide a digital identity to all registered citizens, refugees, and foreigners.

Kenya has postponed the launch of its "Maisha Namba" digital identification system and biometric identity cards originally scheduled for October 2. In a statement released on Friday, September 29, Julius Bitok (photo), Principal Secretary of Immigration and Citizen Services, said that a new date would be communicated in due course.

We wish to inform the public and all stakeholders that due to unavoidable circumstances, the official launch of the Maisha number and the digital ID ecosystem that was to be presided over by his excellency, President William Ruto on October 2nd has been postponed,”  Julius Bitok indicated in the release, adding that nationwide public and stakeholder engagement activities and forums on Maisha Namba would continue as planned.

Last August, when signing an agreement with the UNDP to raise funds to support the development of the said system, the government indicated that it would be launched on October 2. The system is in line with the executive's actions to improve government services through digital transformation, to digitize up to 80% of the said services. Through the new system and the biometric identity card, the government aims to provide every Kenyan with a unique number that will become his/her personal identity number for life.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mercredi, 04 octobre 2023 14:01 Written by
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