Postal services are important for socio-economic development. However, in several African countries, it is not the case because the old systems are still being used. Most of those countries have decided to address the situation by using new technologies.  

The Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) and the National Population Commission (NPC) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to roll out digital postcodes in the country. The agreement was announced by Dr. Ismail Adebayo Adewusi, Postmaster General of NIPOST, during a press briefing last Thursday. 

According to the Postmaster-General, the adoption of a digital postcode system will improve the efficiency of the postal administration. It is a critical system for Nigeria, where some streets have no name and properties no number to identify them, he added. 

We drew up entities in a manner that ensures every part of the country is effectively captured, using a systematic framework of alphanumeric characters from the State, Local Government Areas, Postcode Districts, Postcode Areas, and Postcode Units,” Dr. Ismail Adebayo said. 

The transition from the old analog postcode system introduced in 1986 is expected to help improve mail sorting, delivery, response to emergencies, tax collection, and postal services as well as reduce crimes (banditry and frauds) and internet scams. In that light, it will boost trust between entrepreneurs and their clients. 

Such advanced addressing system will promote the proper functioning of not just the Postal sector. It is a critical infrastructure for meeting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, including poverty reduction, disease control, and provision of basic services such as water and electricity,” the Postmaster-General explained.  

Ruben Tchounyabe

Posted On mardi, 17 mai 2022 15:43 Written by

In Africa, healthcare access is still limited despite the reforms and projects implemented by governments. To address the situation, private firms, and startups are stepping in. 

Canadian firm UniDoc Health announced Wednesday (May 11), an agreement with  Northern Pacific Global Investment Services Limited to offer telehealth services in Nigeria. 

Under the agreement, UniDoc Health will lease some telehealth equipment and license software to allow Northern Pacific to offer the intended services in the target country. The software to be licensed include UniDoc Health’s proprietary solution VCSM which integrates “a range of physical products, web-based services, and analytical tools, along with access to the Company’s developing network of healthcare providers, pharmacies, and hospitals.” 

UniDoc’s goal is to make health care accessible to everyone. We are excited to work with our Partner to bring our Virtual Care Solutions Model to the people of Nigeria. Our kiosks will help to allow our Partner’s network of health care professionals to reach patients in remote locations throughout the country,” said UniDoc CEO Antonio Baldassare. 

As is the case in several African countries, Nigeria’s medical density is below WHO recommendations.  The UN Agency recommends at least 2.3 medical staff per thousand residents. However, according to data published by the World Bank in 2018, Nigeria’s density is 0.4 doctors per 1,000 residents. The agreement between UniDoc Health and Northern Pacific offers an innovative solution to the problem by allowing the population living in remote areas access to healthcare, through the VCSM. During the five-year leasing period, up to 1 million patient subscribers will be taken care of. 

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On lundi, 16 mai 2022 16:13 Written by

The modernization of public administration is one of the key focuses of Egypt’s 2030 development strategy. To achieve the desired goals, the country is relying on digitization. 

 Egypt will extend the use of the automated payroll management system to the whole public sector by late 2022, according to Finance Minister Mohamed Maait (photo). 

The information was revealed, Tuesday (May 10), when the Ministry of Finance was announcing the acceleration of the process.  For Deputy Minister of Finance Mohamed Abdel Fattah, the system has already been successfully tested in 283 government agencies, including 64 in the new administrative capital, 205 in local communities, and 14 government bodies. 

 Minister Mohamed Maait explains that the automated system will guarantee accuracy in the calculation of civil servants’ salaries. It will also provide accurate research data for all salary-related decisions.  

The automated system is the result of instructions given by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi in line with Egypt 2030, the country’s development strategy which focuses on the use of information technology to improve governance, enhance the efficiency of public services and boost economic growth. 

Some 1,189 civil servants have already been trained on the use of the automated system. Also, the Ministry of Finance, which offers its technical assistance, plans an awareness campaign in collaboration with its partner eFinance. 

Ruben Tchounyabe

Posted On vendredi, 13 mai 2022 18:28 Written by

With the open innovation framework, Algerian authorities want to boost the number of cleantech operating in the country, address various challenges and ultimately export local expertise. 

Algeria Venture (A-Venture) and  Schlumberger signed Wednesday (May 1) an open innovation framework for technical support to Algerian energy startups. 

Speaking during the signing ceremony,  the Minister of Startups Yacine El-Mahdi Oualid explained that the innovation framework would encourage more startups to enter the energy sector, which is vital for the national economy. It will also increase the number of projects and cleantech developed in the sector while helping address the energy transition challenges facing Algeria. 

Ultimately, thanks to the innovation framework, Algerian energy startups will be able to export their expertise in the North African sub-region and beyond. 

Under the open innovation framework, “international, private, state and parastatal groups will collaborate and help startups and project owners address Algeria’s future challenges in sectors like digital transformation and energy transition,” indicated Redha Kelkouli (photo, left), MD of Schlumberger North Africa.  

Startups play a key role in the improvement of access to various vital services. In Africa where businesses and households are still affected by the energy deficit, startups can offer alternative solutions. For that reason, the volume of investments they attract yearly is growing steadily. In its report  “2021 Africa Tech Venture Capital,” Partech estimated the volume of investments attracted by cleantech in 2021 at US$193 million, up by 30% year on year. 

Ruben Tchounyabe

Posted On vendredi, 13 mai 2022 17:55 Written by

Since 1996, Algerian authorities are stepping up efforts to protect their cultural heritage against vandalism, theft, concealment, and trafficking. The digital platform is one of the actions that will further protect the country’s cultural properties. 

Algerian Minister of Culture Soraya Mouloudji launched Monday (May 9),, a digital platform for the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural properties. Developed in collaboration with the US embassy, the platform will be the new tool to protect the country’s cultural assets. 

For Ms. Soraya Mouloudji, the platform is a digital photo guide with detailed information on Algeria’s cultural properties most exposed to contraband and illicit trafficking.  The properties listed on include prehistoric items, sculpture, figurines, manuscripts, and funerary arts. 

Despite the measures taken since 1996 to protect cultural assets, more than 35,752 items have been stolen, according to Algerian authorities. To enhance protection, the Ministry of Culture stepped up actions and even created a joint action plan to protect the cultural heritage from any type of damage. In 2019, the country signed a memorandum of understanding with the USA to limit or stop the export of archeological objects per the UNESCO 1970 convention.

In addition to protecting the cultural heritage, can also be used as an educational tool since it lists and describes Algeria’s numerous cultural properties. Students and even researchers can use it for academic purposes. 

Adoni Conrad Quenum






we are tech africa

Posted On jeudi, 12 mai 2022 16:44 Written by

In Africa, digital transformation is on the rise but so are cybersecurity threats. However, the continent does not have enough cybersecurity professionals to face the threats. Various partners are moving to bridge the skill gap. 

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) and Deloitte Morocco Cyber Center (Deloitte MCC) signed Monday (May 9), a cooperation framework agreement to promote high-level scientific and technological research in cybersecurity. 

The partnership was announced in a release published the same day on UM6P’s website. According to the release, the aim is to build cybersecurity talents and create new solutions. To do so, the three pillars will be prioritized. The first pillar is the development of a certification program recognized by international cybersecurity standards bodies. The second is the creation of a research and development program aimed at encouraging innovation and preparing for major changes (post-quantum cryptography, artificial intelligence, etc). The last one is the development of a professional integration pathway at Deloitte MCC and Deloitte as a whole.  

I am confident that our partnership with our colleagues at Deloitte MCC will contribute significantly to sealing the link between research and the professional world in Morocco and Africa,” said Hicham El Habti (photo, right), President of the UM6P. According to the latter, UM6P’s digital adoption has led to positive outcomes. For instance, the university’s startup ecosystem is growing steadily while its computer science, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence academic programs are renowned nationwide. However, students need to apply their knowledge in the professional world. The partnership with Deloitte MCC will facilitate that transition. 

This new ambitious partnership allows the construction of a bridge between the academic world and the business world, thanks to the support of public institutions and the State. We believe that this is the only way to create ecosystems that can train and retain high-level talent while fostering the emergence of new business models that are attractive to start-ups, scale-ups, and specialized investment funds,” commented Imane Elbaraka (photo, left), Managing Director of Deloitte MCC. 

Ruben Tchounyabe











we are tech africa 

Posted On jeudi, 12 mai 2022 16:24 Written by

With the acceleration of digital transformation in Africa, the continent will need more human resources with adequate digital skills. With Academia Raqmya, Morocco intends to develop those skills. 

Morocco’s Digital Development Agency (ADD) launched, Tuesday (May 10), the country’s e-learning platform, Academia Raqmya. By launching the platform, Morocco wants to boost digital skills and e-learning.  

For Minister of Digital Transition Ghita Mezzour (photo), who presided over the launching ceremony, Academia Raqmya is a key step in the operationalization of the country’s digital transition. It is “in line with instructions given by Mohammed VI for human capital development,” she added

Academia Raqmya is launched in a context marked by accelerating digital transformation in most African countries. As a strategic sector for socio-economic development, training is one of the areas prioritized.  Through the platform, Morocco will offer a range of digital courses allowing learners to acquire new skills and actively participate in the development of the digital economy. With the platform, Morocco also wants to boost digital inclusion. 

To introduce learners to the digital world, the platform offers two programs, namely “digital enhancement,” and “digital literacy.” 

The platform aims to teach 12,500 learners in its first year with 173 courses that make up a total of 1,200 training hours. In its first three months (the pilot phase), it will train 1,350 learners and in the active phase (fourth to twelve months), it will train 11,150 learners to reach its target. 

Ruben Tchounyabe










we are tech africa 

Posted On jeudi, 12 mai 2022 16:08 Written by

The coronavirus crisis accelerated digital transformation projects across Africa. Morocco, which is already a leader in digital governance is also following the trend with projects and initiatives to improve services offered to users. 

Moroccan Pension Fund CMR is moving to improve its services and transparency with digital transformation. In that regard, last May 5, the pension fund signed a framework agreement with the Digital Development Agency (ADD), which will assist in the endeavor. 

According to an official release, the signing ceremony was co-chaired by Finance Minister Nadia Fettah Alaoui (photo, right) and Ms. Ghita Mezzour (photo, left), Minister of Digital Transition.  

With the framework agreement, ADD and the CMR want to cooperate for a successful digital transformation by implementing common advanced tech projects, interoperability, digital training, and the development of e-inclusion, the release indicates. 

"The partnership confirms the two parties’ commitment to leveraging tech innovation for the improvement of services provided to citizens,” it continued

ADD is a government agency launched in 2017 to implement the national digital transformation strategy as well as promote and vulgarize digital tools. In 2020, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs ranked Morroco as the seventh leading African country in terms of digital governance. 

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mercredi, 11 mai 2022 15:58 Written by

When the AfCFTA became effective in January 2021, it boosted the business opportunities available for actors. Yet, some players are still left out because they have poor or no access to market information. Ancestral House Eastern Africa wants to address that issue.

Online trading platform Ancestral House Eastern Africa recently launched its activities to facilitate intra-African trades. With offices in Abuja, Nigeria, and Nairobi, Kenya,  the platform acts like a facilitator offering administrative, technical, logistics, and commercial assistance. 

According to Ancestral chairman Ose Imoukhuede (photo), although most African SMEs can easily export or import goods from other continents it is hard for them to carry out intra-African trades despite the yearly US$1 billion potential of the market. 

Ancestral House Eastern Africa, therefore, wants to make intra-African trades easy for those firms by addressing a certain number of challenges. The said challenges are namely “lack of market information, inexperienced exporters/importers, poor logistics infrastructure, inefficient cross-border payment systems/infrastructure, cultural differences, gaps, and trust deficit, as well as  varied Competitive landscapes.”

For the time being, the online trading platform will connect East and West African traders with services like business matchmaking, market research, logistics, consumer trends, and behaviors. 

Ancestral connects “producers and consumers of goods and services across Africa through technology-driven go-to-market information and expertise,” explains chairman Ose Imoukhuede.

In January 2021, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) became effective in a market of 1.2 billion people covering 55 countries with combined GDP estimated to be some US$2.5 trillion. In those countries, SMEs represent 80% of the economic fabric but they are still struggling to penetrate overseas markets. With Ancestral’s trading platform, they can capitalize on regional markets to reach buyers outside the continent.  

Ruben Tchounyabe

Posted On mercredi, 11 mai 2022 12:53 Written by

In five years, the African gaming community has recorded outstanding growth. The industry now appears like a strong job and wealth creation catalyst on the continent.

Goethe Games Station -a gaming tour- was launched in Burkina Faso last May 7.  Organized by Goethe-Institut Ouagadougou and Enter Africa, a creative African organization initiated by 15 Goethe-Institutes,  it aims to teach “young people about the ins and outs of digital and virtual reality.”

Over seven months, in the framework of Goethe Games Station, a caravan will be organized at selected popular places in Ouagadougou on the first weekend of every month. During the events, the national gaming community will be introduced to the youth.  

For Evelia Gadegbeku, president of Enter Africa, the project is aimed at giving the “Burkinabe youth the opportunity to discover gaming, the opportunities it offers, and its career paths.”

The caravan will also educate participants on how to make good use of digital technologies and avoid the dangers of gaming addiction, notably social division and aggressive behaviors. 

Last year, a Newzoo report revealed that of the 1.14 billion residents in Sub-Saharan Africa, 186 million (16% of the overall population) were video game players. 95% of the game players (177 million) play mobile games. According to the report, with an annual growth rate estimated at 9.2% yearly between 2020 and 2024, the region has the fastest-growing mobile gaming community in the world. 

Also, 34% (63 million) of Sub-Sarahan African gamers pay for games. Sub-Saharan African gamers are also expected to be the fastest-rising in the world. 

According to Newzoo, the gaming industry generated US$590 million in 2021, with promising growth prospects. With democratization actions, Burkinabe youth can capture part of those revenues in the same way South Africans, Nigerians, Ghanaians, Kenyans, and Ethiopians are already doing. 

Muriel Edjo





we are tech Africa

Posted On mardi, 10 mai 2022 17:46 Written by
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