A fervent advocate for technological advancement, he has been instrumental in organizing numerous hackathons and innovation competitions across diverse technology domains. He has also founded a tech platform aimed at revolutionizing tourism in Africa. 

Prince Youlou (photo) is a Congolese web developer and IT consultant. He graduated in Project Management (2010) and Computer Science (2011) from the IT Business Campus, further enhancing his skills with a certificate in information technology from Huawei University (in 2018). 

In 2020, alongside Orion Massamba Wambert, Prince co-founded Niochi, where he serves as the CEO. Meaning "bee" in the local Lari language, Niochi is on a mission to make tourists feel at home when visiting African countries.  For that purpose, the startup introduced a mobile app that empowers users to access detailed information on locations, public ratings, and satisfaction indexes for hotels, restaurants, and bars, helping them find the perfect spot.

Prince Youlou's motivation for Niochi stemmed from personal experiences: "Over the years, we've tried many tools and none of them helped us find the best spots in Congo and some of the African countries we've stayed in. That's how we decided to create Niochi, to give people access to detailed information on entertainment venues, accommodation, personal care, and wellness services across the continent," he explained in 2020.

Beyond Niochi, Prince has been actively involved in the tech community. Since 2015, he has been the president of Fongwama, an African community of free software developers. In 2019, he took on the role of leading research and development projects for UNDP Acceleration Labs.

His diverse experience includes serving as the project manager for SanteHack, a healthcare innovation hackathon for Equatorial Congo Airlines in 2016. He has also organized impactful hackathons such as Hack4Food –an initiative by the World Food Program (WFP)- in 2017 and Médiathon –an innovation competition in the information production and dissemination sector organized by the OIF– in 2018.

Melchior Koba

Posted On mercredi, 29 novembre 2023 19:12 Written by

In the Republic of Congo, Yekolab aims to train the next generation of technological leaders in Africa. It incubates young entrepreneurs and introduces children to new technologies.

Established in February 2015 by ICT expert Max Bonbhel, Yekolab is a center of excellence and training in new technologies and emerging trades in the Republic of Congo. The center's primary mission is to transform the creative ideas of young Congolese individuals into viable and bankable businesses.

Yekolab offers comprehensive incubation and training programs, covering web development, mobile development, enterprise application development, embedded technology, and even programming for children. The center's Y-Incubateur program specifically supports young entrepreneurs, providing them with essential technical resources to thrive in an increasingly competitive market.

Beyond its incubation initiatives, Yekolab houses Y-Lab, a research center fostering technological innovation among Congolese creators. The center is also actively developing Yekolab for Kids, a training program designed for children aged 7 to 17. This program equips children with programming skills and the ability to build robots or automated machines. The 2022 edition of Yekolab for Kids graduated 73 children.

With centers in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire, Yekolab receives crucial technical and financial support from key partners, including the national telecoms regulator ARPCE, Airtel Congo, and JCertif a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting innovation through ICT.

Posted On mercredi, 29 novembre 2023 13:37 Written by

Through its pre-incubation, incubation, and acceleration programs, Innov'Lab provides resources and support to Comorian entrepreneurs, contributing to economic growth and job creation in the country.

Innov'Lab, a business incubator established by the Union of Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Handicrafts of Comoros (UCCIA), is dedicated to fostering and supporting innovative project leaders across various sectors, including the social and solidarity economy, digital, agrifood, tourism, and the environment.

Founded in February 2017, Innov'Lab assists project holders in their endeavors to secure funding, navigate legal formalities, develop effective communication strategies, and enhance their management and accounting skills.

The incubator offers a comprehensive range of support programs tailored to the specific needs of aspiring entrepreneurs. Its pre-incubation program provides project holders with 10 days of intensive coaching or four months of ongoing support, enabling them to refine their ideas and gain valuable insights into the entrepreneurial journey.

Innov'Lab's incubation program, spanning two years, offers startups personalized guidance and mentorship, empowering them to develop their business concepts and prepare for market entry. Established companies can also benefit from Innov'Lab's accelerated growth program, which facilitates fundraising, branch expansion, and internationalization strategies.

Participants in Innov'Lab's programs gain access to a robust network of partners, including financial institutions and social enterprises, as well as various financing instruments. They also benefit from Innov'Lab's expertise in social media marketing and access to its network of mentors.

Innov'Lab provides a dedicated coworking space, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among startups. The incubator also offers conference rooms equipped for meetings and professional events, creating a conducive environment for networking and business development.

Since its inception, it has successfully incubated over 60 companies, provided training and support to over 400 aspiring entrepreneurs, and organized more than 10 events. The incubator collaborates with a range of technical partners, such as Meck Moroni for credit facilitation, the SHINOON platform for crowdfunding campaigns, and ORTC for media coverage.

Melchior Koba

Posted On mardi, 28 novembre 2023 17:50 Written by

Climate change is one of the main issues currently facing the globe. In Rwanda, Ghislain Irakoze is actively engaged in contributing to the fight against that problem by spearheading the collection and recycling of electronic waste.

Ghislain Irakoze (photo) is a Rwandan entrepreneur, activist, and sustainability researcher. As the co-founder and CEO of Wastezon, a green technology company specializing in machine learning-based material tracking solutions, he is dedicated to fostering innovation in support of material circularity.

Ghislain Irakoze, born in Rwanda, has been passionate about waste management since he was a child. After he almost lost his friend in a landslide caused by waste, he decided to do something to help. In 2018, he founded Wastezon with Jacqueline Mukarukundo.

The company developed a namesake digital app that connects consumers, manufacturers, and recyclers to process electronic waste and other materials. Wastezon uses machine learning to identify materials, track them through the supply chain, and facilitate recycling. This helps to create value from waste and reduce environmental impact. 

To date, over 500 tons of electronic waste have been exchanged on the app, which has helped to reduce carbon emissions by over 4,100 metric tons. Before launching Wastezon, Ghislain Irakoze and his team launched the “Recycle for the Environment” campaign supported by Samsung Engineering-Korea. They managed to transform over 20 tons of household plastics into useful products.

Ghislain Irakoze holds a bachelor’s degree in business and international commerce from The African Leadership University, which he earned in 2021. He began his professional career in 2018 as a manager of the Circular Economy Club in Kigali. In 2019, he became a researcher at the Youth Think Tank of the Mastercard Foundation. Two years later, in 2021, he joined Global Resilience Partnership as an innovation and scaling consultant. The following year, he became a World Wide Web Foundation Sustainable Access Fellow. 

For his impact on climate and sustainability, Ghislain Irakoze has received recognition and awards. He was a finalist in the Innovate4Climate pitch competition organized by the World Bank in 2019 and reached the finals of the Young Champion of the Earth award from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2020. He is also a finalist for the 2023 Commonwealth Youth Awards.

Melchior Koba

Posted On mardi, 28 novembre 2023 15:15 Written by

In Côte d'Ivoire, this incubator dedicated to streamlining the agricultural value chain provides comprehensive support to agricultural entrepreneurs from the conception phase to the successful implementation of their projects.

Established in 2016 by three entrepreneurs from the Ivorian diaspora and members of the Club d'Affaires Afrique-Monde (CAAM), Incub'Ivoir is a specialized incubator fostering innovative projects in the agricultural sector. It is headed by Hermann Christian Kouassi (photo, right), one of its co-founders.

The incubator was created to inspire, train, structure, and support potential entrepreneurs to become catalysts for change in their communities. It offers a comprehensive six-month incubation program, equipping beneficiaries with the resources necessary to bring their projects to fruition. To date, a total of 82 projects have successfully undergone incubation.

Additionally, Incub'Ivoir provides a three-month acceleration program, granting startups access to mentoring, investors, and other crucial support to help them achieve stability and self-sufficiency. This Acceleration Program currently supports 38 companies.

When a company becomes a part of Incub'Ivoir's support system, it joins a vast network that includes other companies, major groups, institutions, investment funds, public players, and civil society.

Incub'Ivoir has spearheaded various initiatives, including Environnement Startup, a project call caravan endorsed by the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF). This initiative provided support to ten project leaders in 2017-2018.

Another initiative, Speed Farmer –an acceleration program for agribusiness and foodtech entrepreneurs supported by the Netherlands– empowered ten entrepreneurs to enhance their skills in business management and product development in 2019.

With its diligent efforts, Incub'Ivoir has made a positive impact on the Ivorian entrepreneurial ecosystem, supporting over 120 structures and collaborating with 34 partners.

Melchior Koba

Posted On lundi, 27 novembre 2023 17:19 Written by

Having observed the profound effect a small gesture can have on individuals living in rural Africa, the young Guinean residing in London decided to set up a platform, empowering diaspora members like himself to send airtime directly to their loved ones

Ibrahima Soumano (photo), a Guinean entrepreneur based in London and a graduate of Oxford Brookes University with a bachelor's degree in business administration, management, and operations (2005), serves as the co-founder and CEO of Senditoo. Originally known as Ozaremit, his platform was developed through collaborative efforts with his friend Takwana Tyranini. It primarily enables members of the diaspora to send airtime to their loved ones in their home countries. 

The entrepreneur came up with the Ozaremit idea during a visit to his home country, Guinea, where he witnessed the profound impact even a simple gift like airtime could have on the local population. 

Senditoo's services are characterized by their simplicity, speed, and accessibility through both a website and a mobile application. Users can effortlessly input the recipient's phone number, select the desired top-up amount, and make secure online payments. The chosen top-up amount is promptly delivered to the recipient's phone, confirmed via SMS.

Operating in over 140 countries globally, including 39 in Africa, Senditoo has expanded its services since 2020 to allow the diaspora to directly deposit money into mobile money accounts in Ghana, Guinea, Uganda, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Mozambique, Zambia, DR Congo, Zimbabwe, and Senegal. Additionally, the platform facilitates the payment of electricity bills for relatives residing in Zimbabwe.

In 2012, Ibrahima Soumano also founded Tafory, an Internet real estate search platform in Guinea. He served as the company's manager until 2016, the year Senditoo was founded.  

Melchior Koba

Posted On lundi, 27 novembre 2023 16:42 Written by

TunisianStartups serves as a driving force for fostering entrepreneurship in Tunisia. It champions global connectivity, inclusion, education, and collaboration among players within the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

TunisianStartups, a Tunisian non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 2016, is dedicated to fostering a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem in Tunisia by bridging connections among its key players. Through a diverse range of activities and programs, the organization provides comprehensive support to startups, addressing their challenges in financing, collaboration, visibility, and lobbying. Additionally, it cultivates dynamic links between local and international ecosystems.

It is led by Amel Saidane, the founder and CEO of BetaCube, a company specializing in building and developing B2B startups in the fintech and mobility sectors. Amel Saidane is also the co-founder of Digital2Value, a platform dedicated to the digital transformation of SMEs.

TunisianStartups is committed to propelling the success of Tunisian startups on a national and international scale. To achieve this goal, the organization has launched several impactful projects. They include INVEST'I, a community that unites the diverse players within Tunisia's innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem through the international EuroQuity platform.

The organization also developed The Think Tank, a dedicated team responsible for crafting improvement proposals for decision-makers, inspiring effective public policies in the field of entrepreneurship. Its interactive platform Index quantifies and presents an accurate and relevant representation of Tunisia's startup ecosystem.

Demonstrating its commitment to gender inclusion in technology, the NGO has initiated the Women & Tech project, empowering and providing visibility to women entrepreneurs in this domain.

TunisianStartups also offers TS Academy, an educational program that provides capacity-building courses for entrepreneurs through individual training sessions and masterclasses. Additionally, its Link4INN initiative encourages open innovation and fosters collaboration between startups and companies from diverse economic sectors.

With over 600 startups registered on its Index platform, a participant base of over 2,000 at its events, and a thriving network of more than 30 active members, TunisianStartups has established itself as a driving force in Tunisia's entrepreneurial landscape. Its success is bolstered by the support of renowned partners such as GIZ, Invest for Jobs, Expertise France, and The Dot.

Melchior Koba

Posted On vendredi, 24 novembre 2023 14:06 Written by

A seasoned entrepreneur, he has established several specialized technology companies, spanning both the education and service sectors, catering to individuals and businesses. His temtem ONE solution is designed to simplify the daily lives of its users.

Kamel Haddar (photo) is the founder and CEO of temtem ONE, an Algerian super-application aggregating several services to make life easier for users on a daily basis.  A graduate of ESIEE-IT, he earned a master's degree in computer science in 2004 and a specialized master's degree in marketing from ESCP Business School in France in 2008.

His flagship startup, temtem ONE, was founded in 2018 as a digital gift card solution. Available in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal, Mali and Côte d’Ivoire, it enables the diaspora to purchase goods and services for relatives back in their home countries (thanks to the cashback function). It also enables businesses to motivate employees and partners through rewards available on the temtem ONE marketplace. It also connects users to services like car-sharing, mobile top-up, on-demand artisans and doctors, financial services, and shopping.

In addition to his role at temtem ONE, Kamel Haddar is the co-founder and president of the Algerian Talents & Leaders Association (ATLAS), established in 2010 with the goal of nurturing a new generation of leaders by providing Algerian students the opportunity to attend top business schools and connect with a supportive professional network.

In 2015, he founded CasbahTech, a startup studio that designs and develops innovative digital solutions in Algeria. Through that studio, he invested and has become a member of the board of Factory Digitale –an organization that remotely connects top African talent with European technical teams– the digital skills training company Code 213 and e-lerning platform

Before venturing into entrepreneurship, Kamel Haddar worked between 2002 and 2005 at the technology company 3M, holding positions as a project manager and business analyst. Subsequently, from 2005 to 2012, he worked as a consultant in telecommunications, energy, and utilities for the independent consulting firm BearingPoint.

Recognized as a Young Leader for the U.S. State Department's International Visitor Leadership Program Alumni in 2013, Kamel Haddar was designated a Young Mediterranean Leader by the ASPEN Institute. In the same year, he participated in a seminar on responsible leadership in Cordoba, Spain.

Melchior Koba

Posted On vendredi, 24 novembre 2023 13:21 Written by

UVU Africa stands as a steadfast champion of innovation and technological advancement across the African continent. Through its multifaceted programs and initiatives, the organization plays a pivotal role in shaping the continent's technological landscape.

UVU Africa, formerly known as Cape Innovation and Technology Initiative (CiTi), is a non-profit organization committed to shaping the future societies of Africa. Established in 1999 by Joshin Raghubar, with a current presence in South Africa and Rwanda, the organization officially changed its name in January 2023.

It collaborates with dynamic and ambitious talent, partnering with visionary organizations such as Liquid Intelligent Technologies, Google, Verifone, IBM, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft. Together, they work towards designing and constructing inclusive, “future-fit” societies through innovation and technology.

Under the leadership of CEO Ian Merrington, UVU Africa is expanding its influence and footprint across the continent. The organization focuses on fostering inclusive growth in the digital economy through activities like business incubation, acceleration, skills development, and the establishment of specialized innovation clusters.

"UVU Africa will continue to design and build future-fit-inclusive societies through innovation and technology. We drive inclusive growth of the digital economy through business incubation, skills development, and key projects that catalyze open innovation and collaboration. We build future societies, today, across Africa," says Joshin Raghubar.

The organization implements various programs to achieve its objectives. The CapaCiTi Tech Career Accelerator, for instance, equips young South Africans with the resources needed to become fully-fledged digital citizens.

Through UVU Accelerate, the organization supports and trains entrepreneurs, offering a mentoring program, access to relevant networks, and funding opportunities. In 2019, UVU Africa introduced UVU Bio, a specialized biotech accelerator providing a platform for African entrepreneurs in the realms of science, business, and investment. Injini, specializing in education technologies in Africa, is a member of the UVU Africa group.

In addition, UVU Africa provides a range of facilities, including shared workspaces, meeting rooms, boardrooms, and event halls. It has an undeniable impact on Africa. The organization has empowered over 2,500 women through technological training for their businesses. Annually, it trains 1,000 unemployed young people in technology and essential skills and has supported 55 African edtech startups. Furthermore, UVU Africa has incubated over 60 companies in the bioeconomy. The organization's flourishing ecosystem comprises over 5,000 entrepreneurs.

Melchior Koba

Posted On jeudi, 23 novembre 2023 16:36 Written by

Rapelang Rabana, a serial entrepreneur, revolutionizes the training and education landscape with innovative digital solutions. Her remarkable entrepreneurial journey has been marked by numerous accolades and distinctions.

A pioneer in the fields of education and technology, Rapelang Rabana is a South African computer scientist, entrepreneur, and lecturer. Born in Gaborone, Botswana, in 1982, she materialized her commitment to empowering others by creating Rekindle Learning, a company offering digital learning solutions for businesses and educational institutions.

Rabana pursued higher education at the University of Cape Town, where she earned a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in 2005 and a Master's degree in Real Estate Studies in 2010.

In 2014, she founded Rekindle Learning, which harnesses the power of technology to transform learning experiences for individuals and organizations. Driven by the belief that personalized, interactive, and adaptive digital solutions can enhance learning outcomes, Rekindle Learning uses microlearning techniques to help professionals acquire the skills they need in the ever-evolving world of work.

Rapelang Rabana is also Co-CEO of Imagine Worldwide, a technology solution that empowers children with the literacy and numeracy skills they need to reach their full potential. She has been a venture partner at GrindstoneXL since 2021 and a non-executive partner at Nisala Capital since 2016. She also co-founded, in 2021, FFWD Innovation, an organization that provides coaching, training, and mentorship to teams, enabling them to build and develop innovations faster using cutting-edge business management methodologies and techniques.

In 2005, she co-founded Yeigo Communications, South Africa's first free VoIP mobile services provider whose majority stake was acquired by Swiss group Telfree in 2008. After the acquisition, Ms. Rabana was appointed head of the VoIP company’s R&D department. She remained in this position until 2012. In November 2017, she was appointed Chief Digital Officer of BCX, where she worked until 2018.

Several awards have celebrated her endeavors. In 2012, she was featured on Oprah Magazine's O Power List. The following year, she made it to Forbes' 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30 list for Africa and was subsequently (in 2014) named Entrepreneur for the World by the World Entrepreneurship Forum. In 2017, she was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.

Melchior Koba

Posted On jeudi, 23 novembre 2023 13:31 Written by
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