Driven by a passion for technology and a strongdedication to sustainable agriculture, heconsistentlypioneers new ideas and challenges conventionalnorms. His contributions have not onlyrevolutionized the technologysector in Morocco but have alsosignificantlyinfluenced the country's agricultural economy

Amine Zarouk (photo) is the founder and CEO of Green OpenLab, a Moroccan startup offeringinnovativetechnological solutions for sustainableagriculture.

He graduated, in 2006, from Paris-East Créteil University (UPEC) with a master’s in distributed information systems. He alsoholds a diploma in key account sales force engineering, obtainedin 2007 from NEGOCIA, an international sales and commercial negotiation training center.

In 2021, fueled by his passion for new technologies and entrepreneurship, hefounded Green OpenLab, a pioneeringcompanydriving digital transformation in the industrial and agricultural sectors. The company supports agritech startups by providingcustomized technologies to foster efficient and sustainable agricultural practices. Its mission is to empowerfarmers by enhancingproductivity, optimizingresources, and modernizing agricultural value chains

Green OpenLabpromotes the adoption of digital tools for enhancing agricultural efficiencywhileprioritizingenvironmentalsustainability and resource conservation. Additionally, it serves as a dynamic hub for fostering innovation, collaboration, and practicaldemonstrations, catering to younginnovators, PhD students, and researchers.

Amine Zaroukisalso the co-founder and CEO of Stratfield, a joint ventureheadquartered in Casablanca. Foundedin 2021, the company has a delivery center and an innovation center in Fez, an expertise and training center in Tangier, and a subsidiary in Munich for technologytransfer.

Beforefounding Green OpenLab, heworked at Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance (Sofinco) in France ashead of developmenturbanizationin 2007. In 2008, heco-founded G-Fit Maroc, a companyfocused on outsourcing technology services, whichin 2014 joined the Alten Group and becameAlten Delivery. He led the companyuntil 2021.

Amine Zarouk has alsoworked for the Fédération des technologies de l'information, des télécommunications et de l'offshoring (APEBI), an organizationthatpromotes the development of the ICT sector in Morocco. Havingjoined the federationin 2011, hewas a member of the board of directors (2011-2019), president of the offshoring pole (2019-2020) and president (2022-2022) respectively.

Melchior Koba

Posted On vendredi, 27 octobre 2023 11:54 Written by

As an incubator, Leancubator organizes events, business growth programs, and challenges, helping to strengthen Algeria's innovation ecosystem.

Leancubator is a specialized Algerian innovation hub and incubator that supports sustainable and innovative projects in various sectors such as the blue and green economies, foodtech and fintech.

Founded in 2018 by Abdelfettah Herizi, Hichem Hadded, and Nesrine Ziad, it offers incubation and acceleration programs for startups, small and medium-sized enterprises, and project carriers offering solutions to Africa's social and environmental challenges.

For startups, it provides personalized assistance, including coaching sessions tailored to their specific innovative projects. Additionally, it facilitates access to a diverse network of investors and practical resources, such as workspace, meeting rooms, and essential IT equipment. 

The incubator provides various programs, notably the renowned Algeria Startup Challenge, designed to fuel the growth of startups and innovative projects by offering them the necessary support, resources, and networks to materialize their innovative ideas.

Each year, the Algeria Startup Challenge holds challenges under various themes. In the framework of the fourth edition of the challenge,  it launched the Harm Reduction Initiative Awards, an innovation challenge aimed at Algerian project promoters offering innovative solutions around best practices in risk reduction, such as industrial, food, health, road, and ecological risks, and so on.

Other challenges include the Fintech Startup Challenge for fintech, insurtech, and regtech, and the Foodtech Startup Challenge for agritech, aquatech and food safety solutions.

Since its creation, Leancubator has participated in over 3,000 projects and organized more than 40 innovation challenges. It has supported 350 startups and innovative projects and collaborated with over 50 economic and institutional partners. These partners include BNP Paribas, WestMED, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Leancubator has received several awards, notably recognition from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Startups, and SMEs, for its active role in fostering innovation and developing startups in Algeria. Additionally, it was honored as the top program for fostering skill development and innovation in the blue economy across the Western Mediterranean at the WestMED 2021.

Leancubator has also been recognized by Algeria's Commission d'Organisation et de Surveillance des Opérations de Bourse (COSOB) as an active player in supporting the development of fintech in the country. These activities and distinctions make the incubator a major player in innovation and entrepreneurship in Algeria and Africa.

Melchior Koba

Posted On vendredi, 27 octobre 2023 11:59 Written by

Chronic diseases such as cancer, hypertension, and diabetes are recurrent causes of death in Africa. Nneka Mobisson is one of the entrepreneurs fighting to improve the management of these illnesses on the continent.

Nneka Mobisson (photo) is a Nigerian pediatrician and entrepreneur. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1996), a Master's degree in Public Health from Emory University (1998), and a Master's degree in Business Administration from the Yale School of Management (2004). 

She is also one of the co-founders and CEO of mDoc, a company dedicated to optimizing the end-to-end care experience for people suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. The idea for mDOc stems from Ms. Nneka’s realization of the huge gap in the African healthcare system, in 2010, following her father’s death from a massive stroke. 

Leveraging the growing penetration of mobile technology, mDoc's digital platform connects people with chronic illnesses to a multidisciplinary team of healthcare practitioners. Experts can be reached from South Africa, Zambia, Rwanda, Kenya, the USA, the UK, and Nigeria. Patients can receive personalized support, through education and tools to improve self-management.

On September 25, 2023, the company was selected by Google as one of 30 artificial intelligence startups changing the future of healthcare. The other winners come from Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Nneka Mobisson's professional career began in 1999 at the pharmaceutical company Merck, where she was a business analyst. She also worked at the World Bank as a consultant from 2003 to 2004. She was then hired as a resident physician at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. In 2007, she became a partner in the management consulting firm McKinsey. Before founding mDoc, she was the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)’s regional lead and Executive Director in Africa.

Her outstanding work has earned her several distinctions. In 2014, she was named Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. In 2017, she was a finalist in the Cartier Awards. A year later, she was elected to the Ashoka Fellowship, a “practical and personnel community for social entrepreneurs.”

Melchior Koba

Posted On jeudi, 26 octobre 2023 18:24 Written by

In collaboration with its local and international partners, Jacaranda works to provide young people with the opportunities and skills they need to realize their potential and contribute to the progress of their country.

Jacaranda Hub is a Zambian organization that aims to develop the youth’s skills in the fields of information and communication technologies (ICT) and entrepreneurship through its innovation hub. Founded in 2017 by Mara Zhanet Michelo, who is its CEO, its mission is to enable young people to participate in the creation of socio-economic impact and business value.

"Jacaranda Hub’s idea is to find, build, and mold propitious entrepreneurs. I believe that entrepreneurship is the most impactful way of creating sustainable change and development. It stimulates local economic growth, creates jobs, and reduces poverty. Empowering ambitious innovators to solve problems by converting ideas into reality is the ambitious goal that motivated the journey we are embarking on," explained Mara Zhanet Michelo in 2022.

Jacaranda Hub has three thematic axes. The first, JAC-LEARN, offers safe, resource-rich learning spaces with ICT facilities to promote entrepreneurship education, digital literacy, creativity, accessibility, and the ability to use ICT. The second, JAC-STARTUP & INNOVATION, facilitates the creation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem focused on innovation and business development. It supports startups and the creation of viable small and medium-sized enterprises. The final area is JAC-LIFESTYLE, which explores and promotes the concept of social entrepreneurship, the idea of using business to solve major social and environmental problems.

The organization has set up several other initiatives. One of the best-known is the Next Generation National Youth Incubation Challenge for young people aged 18 to 35. The program strengthens young people's ability to design and develop businesses. It focuses on identifying innovative opportunities and supporting young innovators and entrepreneurs through the ideation, validation, and scaling of new products and services that benefit end-users and create successful startups. 

It has also set up the Mosi-oa-Tunya Pitch, an investment-readiness program that matches viable startups with local and international investors. The program helps startups with high growth potential to design, measure, and adapt their activities and be ready for investments.  

Thanks to Jacaranda Hub and all its programs, Mara Zhanet Michelo was awarded Woman of the Year in Technology at the Techtrends Zambia Awards 2022.

Melchior Koba

Posted On jeudi, 26 octobre 2023 16:05 Written by

Cameroon-based Ocean Innovation Center contributes to accelerating African technological development through its innovative programs and activities. It is supported by the government, through the Ministry of the Economy, Planning, and Regional Development.

Ocean Innovation Center (OIC) is a Cameroonian ICT training and innovation center. Founded by Jacques Bonjawo, a computer engineer and ICT expert, and inaugurated in 2017 by Louis Paul Motaze, Cameroon's then Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, it aims to promote access to digital education, skills development, and entrepreneurship for young people and women.

Located in the heart of Kribi, in the southern region of Cameroon, the Technopole operates from a four-story building, which spans over 2,000 square meters.  It offers training courses in computer science, data analysis, full-stack web development, graphic and web design, logical thinking, maintenance and networking, and more. It also offers a coworking space where people can meet and exchange ideas about their future projects.

OIC offers incubation and acceleration programs for entrepreneurs and startups. As part of its incubation process, it provides beneficiary companies in the early development phases with the support and resources they wouldn’t have had access to.  The center also offers expert advice to young entrepreneurs keen on diving into the professional world and building a great career in the digital field.

To date, OIC has published 20 courses and more video content in all areas related to new technologies and digitalization. It has over 50 expert teachers and more than 1,000 students trained or in training. To accommodate its students, the center has over 100 classrooms.

A member of the AfriLabs network, the center has also forged partnerships with local, national, and international institutions, such as Microsoft, Netexplo, and the Cameroon Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT).

Melchior Koba

Posted On mercredi, 25 octobre 2023 14:39 Written by

A computer scientist and entrepreneur, he embodies the vision of a continent that relies on technology and entrepreneurship to develop and meet the needs of its population.

Born in 1991 in the Republic of Congo, Jonathan Yanghat (photo) is a software engineer, as well as the founder and CEO of Brazzaville-based Noki Noki Services, a startup specializing in express home and office delivery. He completed his higher education in France, graduating in 2014 with a master's degree in computer engineering from the French graduate engineering school SUPINFO.  

In 2021, he founded Noki Noki Services, which enables users –through its mobile application–  to have parcels delivered quickly and securely.  In just two years, Noki Noki Services has grown by leaps and bounds. From its modest beginnings with two motorcycles, three employees, and a call center, it now has more than 40 employees. In 2022, it also extended its activities outside the Republic of Congo, with a presence in Dakar (Senegal) and Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo). Jonathan Yanghat also plans to open an office in Libreville (Gabon).

Since October 2018, Jonathan Yanghat has been a seconded IT web development expert with the state IT agency ACSI (Agence Congolaise des Systèmes d'Information). Before becoming an entrepreneur, he worked at Wortis, a French IT company, where he was a programmer in 2017. Between 2022 and 2023, he was the Central African representative for Logidoo, an African logistics platform.

His innovation and dynamism have also earned him awards. In 2022, he was awarded the prize for the best start-up of the year at the Salon international de la technologie et de l'innovation de l'Afrique centrale (Osiane) for Noki Noki Services. Later that same year, he took part in the trade fair VivaTech in Paris, where he had the opportunity to share his vision and experiences with other innovators and entrepreneurs.

Melchior Koba

Posted On mercredi, 25 octobre 2023 13:34 Written by

Through its training and mentoring programs, coworking spaces, and activities, LakeHub fosters the growth of entrepreneurial initiatives and technological innovation.

LakeHub, founded by Kenyan technologist and social entrepreneur James Odede, is a technology innovation center based in Kisumu, Kenya. Since its creation in 2013, LakeHub has been promoting technological innovation and social entrepreneurship in Kenya and Africa.

Its stated mission is to create an ecosystem conducive to developing local talent and solving social problems through digital solutions. To achieve this, LakeHub has set up coworking spaces and offers a variety of activities and programs such as high-tech training to support young talent. In recent years, it has organized boot camps, hackathons, and networking events.

Its incubation program The Lake Hub Incubation offers a full range of support, advice, and resources to help entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful businesses. The center also organizes discussion days such as the upcoming Ek4 Cyber Security Barcamp on Saturday, October 28, 2023, bringing together cybersecurity enthusiasts, experts, and professionals...

Equally concerned with the inclusion of women in entrepreneurship, LakeHub has set up the FemiDevs program. Launched in 2020, it offers fully-funded scholarships to girls and young women. Recipients gain key skills in front-end and back-end web development, creative thinking, entrepreneurship, graphic design, and interpersonal skills. Other programs such as Engendering Mentorship, which supports female students facing difficulties leading to high drop-out rates in academia, are part of the center's portfolio of activities.

Recently, in July 2023, LakeHub partnered with 01Talent Africa, Kisumu County, and UCLG Africa to create Kenya's first Collective Intelligence. The center, dubbed Zone01, aims to empower young people to achieve excellence in the technology industry.

LakeHub also has an academy that trains its students in web and blockchain development, cybersecurity, and data engineering. The academy offers disadvantaged young people in Kenya free training in software development and guaranteed job placement on completion. Since its launch in 2019, LakeHub's academy has graduated over 600 talented young people from its software engineering boot camp, with a team of over 12 technology and business professionals providing market-relevant insights and training.

LakeHub is supported by several institutions and organizations. These include GIZ, Partners for Equity, Segal Family Foundation, African Visionary Fellowship, Livelihood Impact Fund, and Planet Wheeler.

Melchior Koba

Posted On mercredi, 25 octobre 2023 13:19 Written by

Convinced of the potential of artificial intelligence, she uses it to enhance access to healthcare and foster social integration.  Her company iZola provides therapists to help neurodivergent children become self-sufficient.

Wamuyu Owotoki (photo) is the co-founder and CEO of iZola, a therapeutic platform that combines health and technology.

Born and raised in Kenya, Wamuyu Owotoki completed her higher education at the University of Hamburg (Germany), where she obtained a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry. She also holds a master's degree in pharmacy from the National Academy of Chemistry and Pharmacy in St Petersburg, Russia.

She founded iZola in 2022 with her husband, Peter Owotoki, an expert in artificial intelligence. The platform offers access to a range of specialists, including speech therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, music therapists, and pediatric play therapists. It provides tailored therapies that can be accessed from home, facilitating personalized remote learning.

iZola primarily focuses on individuals with autism and other special needs. Its diagnostic system utilizes AI to identify early signs of autism in children and suggest specialized therapies to help these children achieve greater independence.

The iZola team operates from Germany, Kenya, South Africa, Finland, and Switzerland. Presently, the platform assists more than 160 children with therapy and serves over 1,000 parents. On September 25, 2023, it was selected by Google as one of 30 AI startups reshaping the healthcare landscape. 

In addition to iZola, in 2019 the Owotoki couple also founded, a data, analytics, and AI company that develops healthcare solutions. The company received a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation “to accelerate drug repurposing and discovery for infectious diseases that disproportionately impact low and middle-income countries.” It is also the publisher of the iZola platform. 

Before devoting herself to entrepreneurship, Wamuyu Owotoki also worked at the University of Hamburg's Institute of Pharmacy as a research assistant between 2003 and 2005.

Melchior Koba

Posted On mardi, 24 octobre 2023 17:17 Written by

Gambia Tech Project is a commendable project that contributes to the development of the technology ecosystem in The Gambia. It provides networking opportunities for young entrepreneurs while playing a crucial role in training the next generation of technology leaders in Africa.

Gambia Tech Project is a program launched in 2021 by the French Embassy, in collaboration with the cultural center Alliance Française de Banjul. It aims to foster and actively participate in the development of a tech ecosystem that provides opportunities and facilitates innovations for young Gambian entrepreneurs.

Hosted by Alliance Française de Banjul, it is coordinated by project manager Boubacar D. Coly. It has a dedicated incubation space and a publicly accessible technology lab, where entrepreneurs can access various resources and services, such as training, workshops, events, mentoring, advice, and funding.

The project offers "young entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to achieve their goals through technology. Our main objectives are to provide quality human resources and entrepreneurs in The Gambia, because we have very creative people, but the problem lies in their limited vision," said Boubacar Coly in 2021.

Gambia Tech Project’s stated goal is to support and coach up to  50 people and incubate, accelerate, and finance up to 10 startups yearly. It creates business networking opportunities and usually organizes two major tech-entrepreneurship events every year.

Among the Gambia Tech Project's initiatives is the Gambia Tech Entrepreneurship Program. This program supports entrepreneurs who have an idea or already have a business in the fields of agritech, edtech, fintech, multimedia, creative arts, sustainable solutions, healthtech, smart cities, and information and data sciences, among others. The registration phase for the 2024 edition was launched on October 16 and will close on November 5, 2023. 

Gambia Tech Project has also supported several other initiatives, including the Fireside Chat and Pitching Competition, which was hosted in January 2023 by Amie Jack, Product Manager at Microsoft.

To date, the Gambia Tech Project has assisted 275 entrepreneurs, supported 60 viable projects, and incubated 10 startups. These include Hightech Show, which promotes digital literacy through media and content creation, and Green Waste Initiative, a company specializing in the production and sale of fuels made from solid organic and agricultural waste.

Melchior Koba

Posted On lundi, 23 octobre 2023 13:50 Written by

Artificial intelligence has gained enormous ground in recent years, enhancing the power of existing tech solutions. In Africa, Dumebi Okwechime leverages that technology to develop affordable and flexible banking products for all types of businesses. 

Dumebi Okwechime (photo) is the founder and Chief Data Scientist of Izifin, a provider of integrated finance solutions that enable all businesses to harness data to serve their customers better. 

The Nigerian-born founder has an impressive academic and professional background in artificial intelligence and data science. In 2011, he got his PhD in Computer Vision from the University of Surrey in the UK and an MBA from Imperial College London, in 2015.

During his doctoral studies, he created an artificial intelligence platform that determines how interested participants are in analyzed conversations based solely on their non-verbal social signals. 

He founded Izifin in 2021. Through that company, he offers flexible and affordable embedded banking products to all types of businesses, whatever their size or sector.

The company offers three main products. The first is IZI KYC, which enables fintechs to validate their users through facial detection, proof-of-life, facial matches, and identity verification. The second is IZI BNPL, which enables companies to offer Buy now, pay later (BNPL) services to their clients.  The third product is IZI MERCHANT, an embedded banking solution that enables businesses to digitalize processes, easily manage inventories, perform cashier services, and manage customer portfolios.

On October 5, 2023, Izifin and 10 other startups were selected to join the Google for Startups Accelerator: AI First program. The company will benefit from $350,000 in Google Cloud credits and access Google's expertise and support in artificial intelligence.

Prior to founding Izifin, the entrepreneur worked for major companies such as Siemens, where he was a technical consultant and software engineer between 2003 and 2004. After years in academia, he worked for companies such as fintech Renmoney, where he was Chief Decision Scientist (2019-2020), and logistics startup Kobo360, where he was Chief Data Officer (2020-2021).

Melchior Koba

Posted On lundi, 23 octobre 2023 12:19 Written by
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