Digital skills are set to play a pivotal role in the upcoming global technological revolution. According to a report by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the demand for digital skills is projected to grow at a faster pace in sub-Saharan Africa compared to other global markets.

The German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the European Union (EU) launched a digital training program for Ivorian youth, named "WE.CODE", in Abidjan on Monday, January 8. The program aims to provide 300 young individuals, aged between 18 and 35, with the necessary digital skills for the job market, thereby facilitating their professional integration.

This initiative is a part of the Invest for Jobs program, co-funded by GIZ and the EU. "By offering programs tailored to the needs of the digital job market, we aim to equip our learners with the skills they need to excel in an increasingly connected world," said Marc Levesque, a representative of the Invest for Jobs program.

Selected candidates will receive training in full-stack development, data management, and IT security. The training will be conducted in collaboration with two major digital sector entities in Côte d'Ivoire, Epitech University and MStudio.

The WE.CODE program, implemented by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), is developing a package of measures to support German, European, and African companies in investment activities that have a high employment impact in Africa. The program aims to create up to 100,000 jobs and improve working conditions and social protection in its eight African partner countries: Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal, and Tunisia.

Applications for the program can be submitted until Thursday, February 15, 2024, via the program's website.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mercredi, 10 janvier 2024 14:51 Written by

High transaction costs in financial dealings are a significant issue across Africa. To address this problem, some actors are exploring the use of blockchain technology, with the endorsement of the Central Bank.

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has given its approval for the launch of a stablecoin, a type of crypto asset that maintains a steady value against an official currency, providing an alternative payment method. The stablecoin, named cNGN, is set to launch on February 27 and will be indexed to the naira. The Africa Stablecoin Consortium (ASC), a collective of Nigerian banks and fintech companies, is behind the initiative, aiming to elevate the naira to a global digital currency.

The cNGN ushers in a new era of financial fluidity, bridging the Nigerian Naira with the global market through blockchain technology. Backed 1:1 by Naira reserves held in designated commercial banks, the cNGN Stablecoin transforms the Naira into a dynamic tool for worldwide remittances, commerce, trade, and investment,” the CSA stated.

This development comes two years after the CBN introduced the eNaira, a central bank digital currency launched in October 2021 to increase financial inclusion and facilitate financial transactions, particularly cross-border remittances, at a lower cost. However, a May 2023 report by the International Monetary Fund titled “Nigeria’s eNaira, One Year After” revealed that the adoption of the eNaira has not met the CBN’s expectations.

The CSA believes that the cNGN will address the shortcomings of the eNaira. Unlike the eNaira, the cNGN will not require a dedicated wallet and will be accessible on certain public blockchains like other cryptoassets.

More than just a currency, cNGN shortens settlement times, enabling payments that traverse the globe swiftly, mirroring the speed of a text message and at a fraction of the cost. This breakthrough paves the way for instantaneous financial transactions, seamlessly connecting Nigeria’s vibrant economy with international markets and offering unprecedented efficiency in both domestic and global financial interactions,” the statement read.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mercredi, 10 janvier 2024 14:48 Written by

Across Africa, progress in bridging the digital divide remains uneven, with some regions lagging despite efforts by governments and international organizations. Initiatives to create a critical mass of digital specialists continue to fall short, leaving many countries struggling to fully capitalize on the digital revolution.

Commonwealth Business Women Africa (CBW-A), a Nigerian organization focused on empowering African women in leadership and entrepreneurship, has partnered with educational technology firm Kodris Africa to train one million girls in coding across 22 African countries.

The initiative aims to transform the teaching of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects and promote gender equality in the tech industry. According to Kodris Africa CEO Mugumo Munene, the program equips young girls with 21st-century skills such as design thinking, critical thinking, and algorithmic thinking.  “The coding skills they acquire will also lead them to online environments where they can pick jobs as soon as they attain the age of 18, deliver remotely, and receive payments from the comfort of their homes,” he added. 

As Africa navigates the ongoing technological revolution, initiatives like the U.S. government’s TechWomen program aim to increase the representation of African women in STEM professions. Networks such as the WomenTech Network support women in various tech roles, fostering an environment conducive to their self-fulfillment.

Across Africa, the underrepresentation of girls in STEM fields remains a significant challenge,” said Nana Wanjau, CBW-A’s Vice President for Africa. “According to UNESCO, women make up only 28% of STEM graduates globally, and the situation is even starker in Africa, where girls often face cultural barriers and limited access to quality STEM education,” she explained. 

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mardi, 09 janvier 2024 17:50 Written by

As digital proficiency becomes increasingly vital across multiple sectors, pressure is mounting on governments to bridge the skills gap and equip citizens with the tools to thrive in the digital age.

In a bid to bridge the digital gap and equip young Liberians with the tools to succeed in the 21st century, local IT company 231Data launched a free digital transformation training program on January 2nd.

"Our objective is to narrow the digital divide in Liberia by providing a significant segment of the population, particularly women and youth, with fundamental digital skills," said Niahson Porte, CEO of 231Data, at the program's inauguration in Paynesville.

The month-long initiative, backed by the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA), aligns with the goals of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), a global platform addressing the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

The program targets Liberians aged 11 to 35, focusing on demographics often left behind in the digital revolution. Starting with an initial 60 trainees in Paynesville, the program aims to reach 10,000 across the country over the next two years.

Each session comprises two hours of training per day for two weeks, with 15 participants per group to ensure personalized attention. The curriculum covers essential skills like computer literacy, internet navigation, and basic software applications.

The program's ambitions go beyond technical proficiency. It seeks to empower individuals and communities to access education and information online, bridge the digital divide, and contribute to Liberia's economic development.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mardi, 09 janvier 2024 17:35 Written by

Building on its recent foray into Senegal, British financial technology company TerraPay has secured a strategic partnership in Mali. 

Orange Finances Money Mali and British fintech firm TerraPay have joined forces to enable seamless cross-border mobile money transfers for Malian users, connecting them to a vast network across Africa and the world.

The partnership, announced Monday, empowers Orange Money Mali customers to directly receive funds from multiple countries through TerraPay's global platform. "This strategic collaboration simplifies transactions, making them quick and secure, enhances the customer experience for Orange Money users, and strengthens financial inclusion in Mali," said Djeneba Tandjigora, Chief of Transfer Services and Core Business at Orange Finances Money Mali.

Mobile money has revolutionized African finance, with the continent leading the globe in adoption. According to the GSMA's "State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money 2023," Africa boasts 781 million active accounts, representing 48.81% of the world's total. This translates to a 17% surge compared to 2021.

"With a direct connection to Orange Finances Money Mali, TerraPay can ensure a seamless cross-border payment experience, reducing operational issues and providing prompt assistance to our partner’s clients," said Amel Kane, Regional Sales Manager Francophone West Africa at TerraPay. 

TerraPay's robust network spans over 120 countries for receiving funds, and over 210 for sending, and connects to over 7.5 billion bank accounts and 2.1 billion mobile wallets worldwide. 

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On lundi, 08 janvier 2024 19:01 Written by

In 2021, Gabon launched a three-year acceleration plan to transform its economy. To carry out its projects, the country is receiving support from key partners such as the World Bank.

The government of Gabon and the World Bank have signed a $68.5 million loan agreement to fund the country's digital transformation project, "Gabon numérique", according to a press release issued by the financial institution on Tuesday, January 2.

The funding aims to accelerate the adoption of digitized public services, increase the number of people with a unique identifier, and strengthen data protection, cybersecurity, and secure data exchanges within the public sector.

"Digital transformation has been at the center of the country’s economic and social transformation for the past decade. This is critical to promote opportunities for all Gabonese citizens and residents. It will benefit individuals and businesses by improving the affordability, availability, and quality of public service delivery," said Cheick Kante, World Bank Country Director for Gabon.

The loan agreement comes as the country is accelerating its digital transformation projects. In July, an agreement was signed with the Indian group Shapporji-Pallonji for the construction of a national data center. Other projects, such as the digitization of the healthcare system, education, civil registration, and numerous citizen services, are currently underway in the country.

The World Bank's support is expected to back the implementation of these projects, address persistent inequalities in accessing public services, and contribute to the provision of a single identity for all citizens to facilitate their access to public services, including social protection, health insurance, and public procurement.

Samira Njoya

Posted On lundi, 08 janvier 2024 14:07 Written by

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has achieved remarkable strides in 2023, with its deployment accelerating globally. The technology’s transformative potential is finding significant traction in Africa. However, its full adoption on the continent requires careful consideration and the implementation of several precautionary measures.  

With interest growing for artificial intelligence in Africa, Seydina Moussa Ndiaye, a member of the United Nations' AI advisory body, urges African nations to exercise control over the burgeoning field. In an interview with UN News, he expresses concern that Africa could become a testing ground for new AI solutions without adequate oversight.

Ndiaye, who has contributed to the digital transformation of higher education in Senegal and the development of the Pan-African AI strategy, warned that the combination of AI and advances in biotechnology could be exploited, with Africa potentially serving as the testing site for these new solutions.

The power of AI combined with advances in biotechnology or technology could be used, and Africa could be the place where all these new solutions are actually being tested,” he said. 

He criticized the current regulatory framework, arguing that it fails to account for certain aspects and is ineffective in applying existing ideas and regulations. "In concrete terms, and when you don’t control these things, it could happen without anyone knowing. We could have Africa being used as a Guinea pig to test new solutions, and this could be a great, great threat for the continent," Ndiaye cautioned.

Despite these concerns, Ndiaye acknowledged the immense potential AI holds for Africa, particularly in sectors such as agriculture and healthcare, where it could address issues including staff shortages. He also highlighted the role of AI in promoting African cultural identities, which he believes have struggled to gain global recognition.

In response to the opportunities and challenges presented by AI in Africa, Ndiaye revealed plans for a forthcoming pan-African strategy aimed at guiding the development of the technology across the continent.

Posted On lundi, 08 janvier 2024 13:45 Written by

After developing various e-health applications, the Canadian firm is looking to take on new challenges in the healthcare technology sector.

Yulcom Technologies, a Canadian IT and AI consulting firm with operations across Africa, announced a $2 million two-year investment in developing an AI-powered medical diagnostic aid system.

"Our solution contributes to solving a major public health issue, that of supporting medical staff who are under pressure from a shortage of healthcare workers," said Yulcom’s CEO, Youmani Jérôme Lankoandé, on Wednesday.

Across Africa and the world, AI is increasingly infiltrating diverse sectors, including healthcare, where its potential for revolutionizing diagnosis is attracting substantial interest. Yulcom, led by Burkina Faso-born entrepreneur Lankoandé, is joining this wave with its upcoming Diagnostic Assistance System.

"YULCOM puts forward an innovative vision in the design of AI models that can reduce waiting times for specialist consultations and improve survival rates for patients in the most remote or under-served areas," explains Komi Sodoké, Yulcom's director of AI Projects.

However, concerns regarding AI ethics and responsible use remain prominent. In November, 18 countries, including Nigeria, signed an agreement to prevent AI misuse. The United Nations also established an AI advisory committee to underscore responsible AI development and implementation.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On lundi, 08 janvier 2024 04:46 Written by

Schools everywhere had to close for COVID-19, so teaching online became super important, like a must-do. But just throwing kids online isn't enough. Schools need new tools and new ways of teaching to make sure students learn what they need in a world that's always changing.

To modernize education and enhance transparency, the Tunisian Ministry of Education on Wednesday launched "L’école de la Tunisie du futur," a comprehensive digital platform for students, parents, and teachers.

Accessible at, the platform provides dedicated portals for each group, streamlining administrative processes, facilitating distance learning, and offering real-time student monitoring. Parents can track attendance, assignments, and progress reports, while educators can manage classes and engage with students remotely.

This digital initiative dovetails with the Ministry's broader strategy of integrating technology into schools and closing the digital divide. The “Modern School on Every Hill" project aims to connect 3,300 schools to broadband internet by the end of the year, bridging the connectivity gap in rural areas.

According to Minister of Education Mohamed Ali Boughdiri, with the digital transition being crucial to improving education quality, the platform not only promotes transparency and efficiency but also streamlines essential services such as school meals, scholarships, and guidance.

Samira Njoya

Posted On lundi, 08 janvier 2024 04:43 Written by

In a bid to enhance transparency, efficiency, and combat corruption, Togo has embarked on an ambitious digital transformation journey, focusing on key sectors like taxation. Following the lead of several African nations, the West African country aims to leverage technology to streamline administrative processes and improve resource traceability.

Togolese drivers can now ditch the queues and pay their motor vehicle tax (TVM) from the comfort of their smartphones, marking a new chapter in the country's digital tax revolution.

The Togolese Revenue Office (OTR) launched the online payment system on Tuesday, January 2, following its December announcement. The move streamlines tax compliance for vehicle owners, eliminating the need for time-consuming visits to physical offices. It also contributes to improving the level of tax collection and ensures greater transparency in operations.

The online TVM payment is part of a broader digitization push by the OTR to modernize tax administration and boost revenue. Several other services, including tax identification (NIF) acquisition, have already gone digital. Through the platform, Togolese citizens can now obtain their NIF, pay taxes and fees, register real estate, and access other services, all from their mobile phones.

According to recently published OTR figures, tax revenues have doubled in the past decade, soaring from XOF403 billion (around $673 million) in 2013 to XOF865 billion in 2022.

Samira Njoya

Posted On jeudi, 04 janvier 2024 10:24 Written by
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