Ahmed Zoghlami makes administrative procedures easier in Tunisia with Idaraty.tn

By : Aïsha Moyouzame

Date : lundi, 31 janvier 2022 23:53

Last updated : mardi, 01 février 2022 00:02

Tunisia features among the top five African countries well prepared for e-governance, according to the UN e-government survey 2020. Although this position may reflect great efforts by the government, challenges remain.

Since 2020, Ahmed Zoghlami has been trying to make administrative procedures a lot easier for the population. He became a reference in administrative guidance in Tunisia with his startup Idaraty.tn. He provides users with help for more than 1,800 procedures in nearly 3,500 public administrations. The idea occurred to him during the pandemic when he noted that travelers coming to the country struggled to get the right information.

"We have listed the necessary papers to be presented at the airport, on the portal. Something, which the National Observatory of New and Emerging Diseases has not managed to communicate properly ... The specific information we provided on the portal interested 10,000 users. A record score, which revealed to us that we should develop this segment that is very useful for the users,” Ahmed Zoghlami says.

Holder of a basic degree in computer science, obtained at the University of Carthage in 2013, Ahmed Zoghlami launched Idaraty with about a decade of professional experience in communication, content management, and digital technologies. A few months after its launch, Idaraty.tn was quickly adopted by the population. Today, nearly 350,000 visitors have already been assisted by the portal, which even translates the various administrative procedures offered in local dialects. Ahmed Zoghlami says his value-added service also contributes to the digital transformation in the country.

Idaraty.tn also provides information on several other services such as Covid-19 screening and the special health measures required for the return of Tunisians living abroad. It integrates a calendar for different fiscal and social events that affect individuals and legal entities, including the dates of payment of tax stickers and tax returns for individuals and legal entities, religious holidays, public holidays, etc.

Aïsha Moyouzame


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