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Huawei Technologies, a regular participant in major global tech events, once again took part in the Mobile World Congress (MWC) held in Barcelona last February 27-March 2. During this international meeting, its Vice President in charge of Public Relations for Huawei Northern Africa talked to We Are Tech about some of the major themes defended by the Chinese group. 

Why is Huawei increasingly interested in the African Cloud?

When we talk about digital infrastructure, what everybody first thinks about is the connectivity part. But, in this current era, connectivity generates a lot of data. And you need to have the right platforms to store and manage all that data. That's why we talk about cloud and data centers.  

We believe that the cloud and data centers are an integral part of a country's digital infrastructure. They are crucial to managing the digital transformation that is currently taking place at all levels in many countries. There are already several public cloud offerings- Huawei is obviously making some of those offers- but, in some cases, we have to think about digital sovereignty and sovereign cloud is becoming a strategic topic at the national level to manage issues related to eGovernance, fintech, and other services. Given the importance of that topic, Huawei is trying to raise awareness on it and train competent people at the local level because [having competent local talents ] is also part of the sovereignty we are talking about. We are trying to help start-ups develop their activities in the cloud to gain greater openness and international exposure. For Huawei, cloud computing is very important in all of its aspects and we are initiating actions to support the rapid development of local players in the field. 

Earlier, you mentioned support for start-ups. How can the cloud have an impact on their growth?

The cloud allows us to centralize all IT systems and allows everyone to access them in a controlled way, at any time and from anywhere.  As a result, it makes exchanges between people easier and more fluid. It also improves companies’ efficiency while fostering the optimization of IT systems. In the old model, each employee uses his or her computer and this is not necessarily efficient, neither in terms of cost nor in terms of maintenance, or performance. The use of cloud technologies improves these aspects and allows a better exchange between the actors since the cloud and the computer systems are accessible from anywhere and at any time, and there are no security problems, loss of data, loss of physical hardware, etc. Clouds are generally subject to extremely rigorous standards.

 Cloud computing also offers companies international exposure. For example, an Ivorian startup can sell its services in Singapore without having to deal with geographical constraints. It can access its systems anywhere in the world with the cloud and just present its offers. 

In practical terms, how does Huawei support African startups’ cloud adoption? 

We have launched a support program essentially forced on cloud technologies. The program called Spark selects start-ups that are offered several incentives depending on their categories.  They will receive cloud, artificial intelligence, software, and other tech training since with artificial intelligence, one can improve cloud capabilities. We will also train the startups on how to better use cloud technologies for business operations. We will also subsidize them, give them free access to Huawei's public cloud, and finally provide them with visibility in major events that Huawei takes part in to connect them with our partners, customers, investors, etc. so that they can grow.

What are the countries that have welcomed the program and what are its ambitions for 2023?  

The program was launched at the end of last year. In its first stage, it was launched in Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia. This year, new countries are targeted, including Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, and Senegal.

What is the relationship between cloud technologies and connectivity? 

To make good use of the cloud, you need good connectivity. If you have a lot of computing power in the cloud and a lot of storage capacity that you access with low bandwidth, it won't work. Connectivity will be a bottleneck in that case. You need a good connection to use the full power of cloud technologies.  

5G is now gaining momentum around the world. What is Huawei doing to demonstrate the strategic importance of this technology to public and private actors who still have a wait-and-see attitude on the continent?  

For years now, we have been trying to raise stakeholders’ awareness about the true power of 5G. Above all, we are trying to prepare usage scenarios. We are making progress. 5G will arrive this year in some countries and next year in others. In any case, it is coming. But to benefit from the true power of this technology, we need to prepare the use cases that will make the most of it.  We will find scenarios that are essentially Business-to-Business (B2B) that will have a greater impact on the digital economy and the economy in general. We are already preparing these use cases with governments, telecom regulators, telecom operators, start-ups, etc. 

We are trying to show the way, the opportunities, and what is feasible in the country and also share the experience and the best practices in other countries or regions.

Considering the impact of the digital on the social sector, is Africa ready for 5G usage scenarios that are not essentially B2B?

There are many 5G scenarios whose success varies from one country to another.  They may work in some but not in others. In any case, we see obvious scenarios in several African countries. In South Africa, for example, in the mines, 5G has been adopted to improve worker safety. It is no longer necessary for operators of excavators, trucks, and other machinery to be present on site. They are located in rooms and control these vehicles remotely using 5G. This is a real scenario that can be replicated elsewhere. Another scenario that has worked well in other countries and we are seeing the effectiveness is the digitization of ports. Several ports have adopted the 5G around the globe. It has helped improve work and this has had an impact on the economy. For many African ports, increasing efficiency with 5G will have an immediate beneficial impact on the country's economy.

Will 5G be relevant for individual consumers in Africa right now? 

Yes, it is relevant. Some scenarios require more bandwidth. During Covid-19 we experimented with distance education. Today it has evolved and distance education allows us remotely attend classes. 5G can also be very interesting in entertainment scenarios. For example, in Barcelona, we showed that the customer experience when watching a match can completely change because you will no longer be limited to the camera angle that the director will choose but you will be able to choose the viewing angle that suits you all by yourself.  You will be able to focus on a specific individual, a specific part of the field thanks to ultra-high-definition cameras that will stream the event in 360 degrees.  

Even in gaming, an industry whose value is increasing, 5G will impact the customer experience. It will give the opportunity to be immersed in the game. The retail industry will also benefit from virtual malls that can be visited from home. There is a multitude of scenarios. Then each country will develop the scenarios that fit their needs, that fit the local culture, and the local requirements.

Mobile devices play a big role in the development of connectivity in Africa. Why do 5G smartphones cost several times more than 4G-enabled ones?

The first point is that the performance of components used for 5G phones is more complex.  There's a lot more complexity, but not just that. You'll also see that the same 5G components will lose value over the years. We're not going to compare 4G and 5G components but only 5G to each other over time and we'll see that there will be a depreciation effect. Those who do research and development invest a lot of money to reach standards and patents. And these costs must be amortized, so a certain volume of components must be produced for these costs to be amortized. This is why, with the increase in the number of 5G subscribers to 1 billion worldwide, the cost of 5G phones is going down. Currently, a 5G phone costs less than 200 dollars, which was not the case last year.  The amortization effect on a larger scale really helps amortize the research costs invested in the previous years. This will also be the case for all the organizations that contributed to the development of these components.  It is important to remember that the component manufacturers are different from the phone manufacturers.

Keeping in mind that connectivity and the cloud store a vast amount of personal, business, financial, etc. data, what is Huawei doing to ensure that the infrastructure it deploys is secure? 

Cybersecurity is the foundation of our work. All the digitization, connectivity, etc. services we offer are meaningless if we can't secure them. When the trust between a user and the system he/she uses is broken,  there is no development. Huawei has a strong interest in this issue and this goes back more than 20 years. Huawei has had cybersecurity management mechanisms in place for many years. People are already talking about it a little bit because there has been an increase in Internet usage, but we have been in this segment long before. We have provided equipment in more than 176 countries and there are more than three billion people on our networks. We can't afford to have any failures or concerns about the quality of our products. Concretely, we operate through various aspects.

First, our products are "security by design". This means that the issue of protecting the user of the product or service is integrated right from the design stage. At Huawei, we currently comply with all international cybersecurity standards. We have extremely rigorous procedures for network deployment and maintenance, coupled with monthly reviews. These processes allow us to avoid all types of human error. We have also deployed several transparency centers around the world -- seven -- where all our products and solutions are open to all our partners to test their integrity and robustness. 

Interview by Muriel Edjo

Posted On vendredi, 17 mars 2023 13:05 Written by

The Angolan government wants to make its new airport one of the best on the continent. For this purpose, it entrusted its digitalization to an experienced international company.

Indra, a Spanish company specializing in the provision of digital services, will equip the new airport of M'Banza Congo, in Angola, with the ground and air systems necessary for its operation. According to a release published by Indra last Tuesday, the contract costs €12.5 million.  

The new airport will join the ones in Luanda, Catumbela, and Lubango, which Indra has already equipped with its solutions, making the implementation easier, faster, and more efficient and creating a highly digitized network in the country,”  said Berta Barrero, Managing Director of Indra’s Mobility business.

Under the new contract, Indra will install operational systems for communication, security, and control towers at the airport. In the first phase, the company will deploy its AODB-InBase, RMS-InUse, FIDS-InFlight systems, which are designed to collect data on flight plans, and resource allocation at the airport, as well as provide information to passengers.

Indra will also deploy a check-in and boarding system at the airport and install data, telephony, Wi-Fi, and tetra networks. The contract also includes the installation of closed-circuit video surveillance systems, access control, X-ray, perimeter security, public address system, and parking control technologies.

On the airside, Indra will deploy, among others, its ManagAir solution, one of the most mature, robust, efficient, and flexible airspace management technologies available, with which it has modernized control centers on five continents.

Angola is not the only African country where Indria is active. The company has also implemented its solutions at airports in Kenya, Tunisia, Ghana, and Mozambique, among others. 

Samira Njoya

Posted On mercredi, 15 mars 2023 18:24 Written by

With digital transformation rapidly progressing on the continent, African countries are turning to space technology to accelerate the penetration of telecom services. Angola, which recently launched its second satellite, is already reaping the rewards of that choice. 

In seven Angolan cities, hospitals, government offices, schools, and universities now have access to free Internet connectivity and the tools necessary for socio-economic growth, thanks to AngoSat-2, the country’s second satellite.

According to the National Space Program Management Office (GGPEN), the cities that benefit from the new satellite are Uíge, Cuando Cubango, Huíla, Luanda, Cabinda, Moxico, and Lunda-Sul.

The satellite launched on October 12, 2022, was commissioned in line with the national space strategy. Its goal is to help bridge the digital divide and exclusion in the country, in remote and underserved communities notably.

The AngoSat-2 satellite services are expected to cover the entire country, the African continent, and a large part of Southern Europe in the C-band. The satellite will also provide almost complete coverage of Southern Europe and Southern Africa in the Ku-band. It is expected to provide Angola with the means to reduce the digital divide, allowing Angolans equal access to information technology and communication (ICT) tools and opportunities.

AngoSat-2 was built by the Russian company Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems Company (ISS-Reshetnev) and put into orbit from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The spacecraft comes as compensation for the $327.6 million AngoSat-1 satellite that was lost in space shortly after its launch in 2017.

Samira Njoya

Posted On lundi, 13 mars 2023 13:23 Written by

In Africa, despite authorities’ efforts, the number of missing children is not dropping the least. In that context, Morocco wants to capitalize on the decentralization of new technologies and ever-growing social media adoption to introduce a large-scale abduction alert system. 

Morocco’s General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) officially launched "Tifli Moukhtafi" - translates to my child is missing- last Tuesday. 

The system is a mechanism to alert and call for the search of children who went missing in suspicious circumstances. It was set up by the DGSN in partnership with Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. According to Ouafae Zouidi, head of international judicial cooperation and human rights at the presidency of the Public Prosecutor's Office, it leverages available databases and alert systems and capitalizes on the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence and tech tools in general. 

In Africa, the issue of missing children is a tragic and often-neglected humanitarian problem, according to Patrick Youssef, regional director of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for Africa. In August 2022, on the sidelines of  International Day of the Disappeared, a report published by the ICRC warned that more than 25,000 minors are missing on the entire continent. This figure represents 40% of the 64,000 missing persons cases in Africa, according to the report. 

By launching "Tifli Moukhtafi", the Moroccan government wants to put an end to the phenomenon of child abduction in the kingdom. The system includes a feature similar to the U.S. "Amber Alert" which will allow the real-time publication of disappearance cases on Facebook, starting from the users within the geographical area where the disappearance was reported, before being gradually shared in neighboring areas.  

Posted On samedi, 11 mars 2023 04:35 Written by

To boost agricultural trade in Africa, in the current digital transformation age, changes are needed. In that context, the partnership aims to introduce the use of digital technologies to improve production.

 Microsoft Africa Transformation Office (ATO) and OCP Africa recently announced a new collaboration to boost farmers’ skills and productivity.  The partnership was announced during the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) held in Qatar.  

The partnership aims to improve smallholder farmers’ skills and boost their access to information through agri-digital services by building on OCP Africa programs such as the agri-hub concept, which aims to support millions of farmers.

Technology is the key factor to enabling and increasing access to finance, equipment, and sustainability for rural farmers, empowering local farmers in Africa. Our partnership with OCP Africa will help to directly impact smallholder farmers and improve production,” said Wael Elkabbany, Microsoft Africa Regional Cluster General Manager. 

Despite rapid urbanization, agriculture-related activities still provide a livelihood for about 60 percent of the continent's working population and account for 15% of GDP.  According to UN agencies' forecasts, farmland is expected to expand and productivity to increase through better use of technology and the implementation of smart and precision farming techniques.

Thus, by partnering together, Microsoft and OCP also aim to develop a digital agriculture platform to improve farmers’ productivity and operation management. The partnership also includes the adoption and integration of technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence, agricultural data platforms, and Azure application modernization in the agricultural sector, leading to precision agriculture.  

According to Mohamed Anouar Jamali, CEO of OCP Africa, the collaboration will, among other things, expand OCP's reach and have an even greater impact on food security across Africa.

Posted On jeudi, 09 mars 2023 18:00 Written by

Nigerian universities train thousands of talented young people every year. However, most of them lack the valuable experience and knowledge to engage in technology entrepreneurship after college.

Last Wednesday, The Nest Innovation Technology Park, a Nigeria-based community that fosters tech startup innovation, launched the “Netlings Playbook,” a program designed to give university students access to the resources they need to explore digital entrepreneurship.

By giving access to the resources, the pioneer program, launched in partnership with Campus Innovation Circles (CIC), wants to allow beneficiaries to gain valuable experience and knowledge without significant risks. 

We believe that student entrepreneurs have the potential to create groundbreaking solutions to everyday problems. With The Nestlings Playbook’s innovative program, we’re empowering them to unleash their full potential and make a real impact in the African entrepreneurship ecosystem,” said Joba Oloba (photo, right), one of the co-founders of The Nest Innovation Technology Park.

For Nest, the Nigerian student ecosystem has numerous talented individuals but, there is a need to provide those individuals with the tools and resources to transition into the digital economy as entrepreneurs and not as primarily working-class talent. The goal is to “contribute to Africa’s transition to a digital economy through youth engagement.”

According to Toyin Bamidele, the lead, and coordinator of the Nestlings Playbook, the program is “one of the biggest collaborations to support founders across university communities exploring digital entrepreneurship to create prosperity.”  The flagship program will launch with university communities and a call for applications will open in March 2023.  

Samira Njoya

Posted On jeudi, 02 mars 2023 17:42 Written by

In Africa, the development of mobile telephony has greatly impacted critical sectors, including healthcare. By leveraging its technologies, the GSMA and Africa CDC want to improve the lives of millions of people and improve disease control.

Last Wednesday, the GSM Association (GSMA) and the African Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) signed an agreement to harness the power of mobile to fight disease in Africa.

Under that agreement, the GSMA will work closely with Africa CDC on HealthConnekt Africa, a bold new initiative to connect all health facilities and personnel in Africa to the Internet by 2030.

Bringing together expertise and resources will help establish a powerful new infrastructure, providing African healthcare workers access to the information they need in a timely fashion and the intelligence necessary to help prevent the spread of disease across international borders,” said Angela Wamola (photo, left), GSMA Head of Sub-Saharan Africa.

HealthConnekt Africa will begin with a small group of pioneering African Union member countries and communities. In the pioneering countries,  health facilities will be connected to the Internet, and health workers equipped with smart devices that will allow them access to critical online resources to improve the quality of care provided to patients.

Over the past two decades, Africa has recorded phenomenal growth in mobile adoption. According to the World Bank and the African Development Bank, Africa had 650 million cell phone users in 2013, more than the users in the United States or Europe. At the same time, Swedish telecommunications group Ericsson indicates that Africa’s smartphone penetration will reach 70% by 2024.

Samira Njoya

Posted On jeudi, 02 mars 2023 16:19 Written by

Last December, the Biden administration announced $55 billion of new investments in Africa, including plans to expand digital access on the continent. About two months after that announcement, some projects are underway.

Last Friday, U.S. tech company Cisco announced a memorandum of understanding with the Thabo Mbeki Foundation for the realization of several projects, including the construction of a technology and education center in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Prioritizing digital skills in young people is the first step to realizing South Africa’s potential as a forward-facing, technological powerhouse. We must step up our efforts to give learners the resources and support they need to become digitally savvy and inspire them to explore the potential of the technology they’re using,”  said Smangele Nkosi, General Manager of Cisco South Africa.

Under the memorandum,  Cisco will digitize the center’s end-user experience, sustaining and automating the infrastructure, cloud operations, data center, and implementing a holistic technology strategy that will position the center as a world-leading information and training repository.

In December 2022, at the U.S-Africa Summit, Cisco Systems announced a $200 million in-kind contribution to Africa for resources such as programs, tools, schools, and instructors. The U.S. company said the contribution would, among other things, extend digital skills and cybersecurity training to 3 million Africans.

So, in addition to the technology center, Cisco will build a digital skills platform that will complement the Thabo Mbeki Foundation's education programs and offer international certifications in cybersecurity, an in-demand skill that is essential for South Africa's digital transformation.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mercredi, 01 mars 2023 16:03 Written by

The fund aims to support women in their bid to advance tech innovation in Africa where they still face significant access to finance challenges.

Last Monday, the Women in Innovation Fund (WiNFUND), a nonprofit accelerator supporting women-led and women-focused businesses, announced the public launch of the WiNFUND NFT Africa Collection, a collection of unique digital artworks designed by Rwandan artist Christella Bijou.

The fund, launched in 2022, also disclosed its aims. “WiNFUND is an innovative model that will help entrepreneurs grow by building an engaged, global community that will provide business support and financing through the sale of unique NFTs,” said Patricia O'Hayer, co-founder of WiNFUND.

Co-founded by consumer goods company Reckitt, the Health Innovation and Investment Exchange (HIEx), Kofi Annan Foundation, and the Ecobank Foundation, it aims to address two major inequalities, namely women’s uneven access to essential health care and finance.

It will be partly financed by the sale of WiNFUND NFT while WiNFUND NFT holders will have access to invitation-only events on the Sustainable Development Goals and will be invited to join a mentoring program to directly support successful women entrepreneurs.

In the second half of 2022, it opened applications for women entrepreneurs seeking its support. Up to now, it has received 300 applications from seven African countries. The applicants shortlisted will receive business support to help them grow, while the best will receive direct funding from WiNFUND.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mercredi, 01 mars 2023 13:06 Written by

Several African countries have adopted biometric identification in strategic sectors like public administration, security, transport, and finance. This much-appreciated development stems from their will to improve efficiency but, this adoption raises concerns, about various cases of abuse, it could facilitate.

Over the past decade, biometric adoption was accelerated in Africa with governments instituting fingerprint, facial, and iris recognition as the authentication norms in the issuance of various identity documents. and national identity cards. In its 2020-2030 Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa, the African Union even emphasized the use of such biometric identification technologies.

The Pan-African Development Institution believes that digital identity is essential for the digital economy because it promotes trust in all interactions, both online and offline.

However, this growing adoption of biometric technologies raises concerns given the legal weaknesses in African countries' data protection laws. In its report "State of play on Internet freedom in Africa 2022: the rise of biometric surveillance", the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA)  fears abuses such as profiling or targeting, that are dangerous for individual freedoms.

"The use of CCTV with embedded facial recognition technologies is increasingly becoming more accessible and prevalent on the continent, yet these systems tend to be intrusive. These systems can track the movement of people, recognize motor-vehicle number plates, and match live footage of people in the public with images of those on a ‘watch list’ based on their ability to recognize specific and unique facial features, akin to fingerprinting," the research center explains.

According to Africa Data Protection, by January 2023, only 35 out of 54 African countries had a data protection law while only 22 countries had a data protection authority.

At a time when many African countries are still among the "unfree" states (in the Global Freedom Score 2022), CIPESA stresses that "the right to privacy is essential in a democratic society as it plays a critical role in the realization and enjoyment of the rights to freedom of expression, association, assembly and access to information." The center believes that there should be strict oversight on the use of biometric data.

Muriel Edjo

Posted On vendredi, 24 février 2023 13:53 Written by
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