Dr. Brice Kitio Dschassi Connects Healthcare Providers, Patients, and Payers in Africa

By : Melchior Koba

Date : mercredi, 13 décembre 2023 15:55

Last updated : mercredi, 13 décembre 2023 15:59

His career in the pharmaceutical industry has given him valuable expertise in health economics. In 2019, he founded an app to facilitate access to healthcare for disadvantaged people in Africa.

Brice Kitio Dschassi (photo) is a pharmacist and health economist with over 15 years of experience. He is the founder and CEO of WiiQare, a Congolese startup whose mission is to improve access to healthcare for people in Africa by connecting healthcare providers, patients, and payers.

Established in 2020, WiiQare is an innovative loyalty and rewards-based health savings and payment solution that empowers individuals to take control of their healthcare with fun and easy ways to build health savings and provides hospitals with a seamless way to receive payments from patients.

WiiQare aims to meet the needs of populations who lack access to social coverage or health insurance, or who face financial difficulties in accessing healthcare. The platform also reduces the risk of corruption or misappropriation of funds sent by expatriates.

Dschassi holds a doctorate in pharmacy from Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (2001) and a master's degree in pharmaco-epidemiology and pharmacovigilance from Bordeaux University (2005). He is also a graduate of Université Paris-Sud, where he obtained a Master's degree in Public Health (MPH) specializing in methodology and statistics in 2005.

Between 2005 and 2009, he was a lecturer in pharmaco-epidemiology at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, and project manager for the Haute autorité de santé, an independent French public scientific authority that promotes quality in the health, social, and medico-social sectors. In 2009, he joined the pharmaceutical company Sanofi, where he worked for six years. In 2016, he became Lundbeck's Director of Global Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Lundbeck is a pharmaceutical company specializing in brain diseases.

Melchior Koba


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