Ocean Innovation Center Assists Cameroonians in Enhancing Digital Skills and Projects

By : Melchior Koba

Date : mercredi, 25 octobre 2023 14:39

Cameroon-based Ocean Innovation Center contributes to accelerating African technological development through its innovative programs and activities. It is supported by the government, through the Ministry of the Economy, Planning, and Regional Development.

Ocean Innovation Center (OIC) is a Cameroonian ICT training and innovation center. Founded by Jacques Bonjawo, a computer engineer and ICT expert, and inaugurated in 2017 by Louis Paul Motaze, Cameroon's then Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, it aims to promote access to digital education, skills development, and entrepreneurship for young people and women.

Located in the heart of Kribi, in the southern region of Cameroon, the Technopole operates from a four-story building, which spans over 2,000 square meters.  It offers training courses in computer science, data analysis, full-stack web development, graphic and web design, logical thinking, maintenance and networking, and more. It also offers a coworking space where people can meet and exchange ideas about their future projects.

OIC offers incubation and acceleration programs for entrepreneurs and startups. As part of its incubation process, it provides beneficiary companies in the early development phases with the support and resources they wouldn’t have had access to.  The center also offers expert advice to young entrepreneurs keen on diving into the professional world and building a great career in the digital field.

To date, OIC has published 20 courses and more video content in all areas related to new technologies and digitalization. It has over 50 expert teachers and more than 1,000 students trained or in training. To accommodate its students, the center has over 100 classrooms.

A member of the AfriLabs network, the center has also forged partnerships with local, national, and international institutions, such as Microsoft, Netexplo, and the Cameroon Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT).

Melchior Koba


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