Morocco: Mustapha Moutout Simplifies Digital Talent Recruitment for Businesses

By : Melchior Koba

Date : vendredi, 20 octobre 2023 14:27

Recruiting digital and IT talents can be a significant challenge for companies. To alleviate this burden, Mustapha Moutout is pioneering a tailored recruitment approach in Morocco.

Mustapha Moutout (photo) is the founder and managing director of Novancy One, a recruitment agency specializing in digital and IT professions. After completing his classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles (CPEG) in 2003, he enrolled at the High National School for Computer Science and Systems Analysis (ENSIAS), where he obtained a Master's degree in IT in 2006.

The Moroccan-born entrepreneur founded Novancy One in 2012. His recruitment company specializes in sourcing, assessment, coaching, and training services. Based in Morocco, it has regional offices in France, Côte d'Ivoire, the USA, the UK, Bulgaria and Tunisia. It positions itself as a strategic partner for companies seeking to strengthen their teams with qualified, motivated talent. It also organizes tailor-made events such as Africa IT Days, a virtual recruitment and experience-sharing forum, to strengthen team bonds and attract top talent. Today, the company has over 100 satisfied customers and places over 300 candidates each year.

Mustapha Moutout's professional career began in 2006, as a consulting analyst for Inetum, a digital services and solutions company, and an international group that helps companies and institutions capitalize on digital opportunities. He then joined Société Générale, where he spent two years as a project manager in analysis and organization.

In 2008, he spent three months working for Ribatis, a Casablanca-based digital operator, as a senior consultant before joining Deloitte Consulting in August of the same year. There, he worked as a consultant in the financial services sector. In 2011, he became Strategic Project Manager at Arsen Consulting, a consulting firm where he worked until the creation of Novancy One.

Melchior Koba


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