Madagascar's Andry Razafinjatovo provides an open-source platform for swift backend development

By : Melchior Koba

Date : jeudi, 09 novembre 2023 16:07

A HEC Paris graduate and advocate of the Process Communication Model, he offers software and web services for Big Data applications through Ryax Technologies, his company. 

Andry Razafinjatovo (photo) is a Malagasy entrepreneur, CEO, and co-founder of Ryax Technologies, a startup specializing in data engineering. He holds a master's degree in business administration and management from HEC Paris and a Process Communication Model trainer certificate from Kahler Communication France in 2022.  

Ryax Technologies, which he launched in 2017 with David Glesser, and Yiannis Georgiou, offers software and web services leveraging hybrid distributed infrastructures for big data applications. The vision of Ryax Technologies is to offer an open-source platform for swift and efficient backend development. 

The Ryax software developed by the company offers customizable encrypted communication and data confidentiality management. It facilitates secure supervision of data transfer, ensuring complete security. Moreover, it enables real-time flow processing thereby streamlining the application development process.

"Data engineering is key to getting value from your data science projects. We cannot wait until the end of the development phase to be sure of their ROI. We aim to allow our customers to reduce their time to market dealing with up to 100% of data engineering tasks from the execution to the maintenance of their data workflows," said Andry Razafinjatovo, explaining the importance of the Ryax platform. 

A Process Communication Model trainer at Matana Conseil, the Malagasy spent a decade, from 2004 to 2014, working for Bull, a technology hub affiliated with the digital transformation enterprise Atos. Within this span, he undertook roles ranging from research and development engineer to high-performance computing (HPC) architecture engineer. Subsequently, from 2015 to 2017, he assumed the role of head of the performance and scalability department in the research and development division at Atos.

Melchior Koba


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