Cameroon: O'Botama helps the youth transform ideas into businesses

By : redaction

Date : mercredi, 15 novembre 2023 17:46

O'Botama catalyzes innovation and is a driving force for entrepreneurial change in Africa. It provides support, training, and assistance to young entrepreneurs in securing financing for their businesses.

The O'Botama Collaborative Innovation Workshop (AIC) is a business incubator based in Cameroon. Since 2018, it has been supporting local Cameroonian entrepreneurs and those from the diaspora in the development of their businesses. It was created by the collective O.S.E.R. L'Afrique (a non-profit association established by the diaspora) and is headed by Benjamin Ngongang, an experienced professional in the financial and investment sector.

AIC is dedicated to catalyzing talent and strengthening the entrepreneurial spirit among young Africans, guiding them in creating innovative solutions for their region. To fulfill this mission, AIC provides comprehensive support to project leaders from conceptualization to value proposition assisting in the implementation of their innovation or activity, aiding in the search for financing, and facilitating connections with suitable partners.

It features a coworking space that regularly welcomes professionals and an online platform for events, training, and diverse services, it offers an incubation program specifically designed to support and accelerate innovative projects with a social impact. Program members receive tailored training sessions to address their unique needs, coupled with expert guidance to ensure the successful development of their businesses.

The incubator also has a center of expertise where a team of experts offers technical assistance, consultation, and training in the fields of law, taxation, labor and social security, project management, accounting, and finance. It also offers training in business management, digital marketing, accounting management, and personal development.

Since its creation, O'Botama has supported over 40 companies and project leaders in Cameroon and welcomed over 1,000 participants to its activities. It regularly hosts 111 coworkers in its shared workspace. A member of the AfriLabs network, the incubator is supported by Afric'Innov, Genius Center, Kmer Tech, Fiatope, and Objis, among others.


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