Algeria: Leancubator Backs Projects in Blue, Green, Foodtech, and Fintech Sectors

By : Melchior Koba

Date : vendredi, 27 octobre 2023 11:59

As an incubator, Leancubator organizes events, business growth programs, and challenges, helping to strengthen Algeria's innovation ecosystem.

Leancubator is a specialized Algerian innovation hub and incubator that supports sustainable and innovative projects in various sectors such as the blue and green economies, foodtech and fintech.

Founded in 2018 by Abdelfettah Herizi, Hichem Hadded, and Nesrine Ziad, it offers incubation and acceleration programs for startups, small and medium-sized enterprises, and project carriers offering solutions to Africa's social and environmental challenges.

For startups, it provides personalized assistance, including coaching sessions tailored to their specific innovative projects. Additionally, it facilitates access to a diverse network of investors and practical resources, such as workspace, meeting rooms, and essential IT equipment. 

The incubator provides various programs, notably the renowned Algeria Startup Challenge, designed to fuel the growth of startups and innovative projects by offering them the necessary support, resources, and networks to materialize their innovative ideas.

Each year, the Algeria Startup Challenge holds challenges under various themes. In the framework of the fourth edition of the challenge,  it launched the Harm Reduction Initiative Awards, an innovation challenge aimed at Algerian project promoters offering innovative solutions around best practices in risk reduction, such as industrial, food, health, road, and ecological risks, and so on.

Other challenges include the Fintech Startup Challenge for fintech, insurtech, and regtech, and the Foodtech Startup Challenge for agritech, aquatech and food safety solutions.

Since its creation, Leancubator has participated in over 3,000 projects and organized more than 40 innovation challenges. It has supported 350 startups and innovative projects and collaborated with over 50 economic and institutional partners. These partners include BNP Paribas, WestMED, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Leancubator has received several awards, notably recognition from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Startups, and SMEs, for its active role in fostering innovation and developing startups in Algeria. Additionally, it was honored as the top program for fostering skill development and innovation in the blue economy across the Western Mediterranean at the WestMED 2021.

Leancubator has also been recognized by Algeria's Commission d'Organisation et de Surveillance des Opérations de Bourse (COSOB) as an active player in supporting the development of fintech in the country. These activities and distinctions make the incubator a major player in innovation and entrepreneurship in Algeria and Africa.

Melchior Koba


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