Uganda Embraces Digital Traceability System to Boost Agricultural Exports

By : Hikmatu Bilali

Date : vendredi, 27 septembre 2024 08:06

The adoption of a digital traceability system facilitates better quality control and enhances the reputation of African produce globally. It will offer new opportunities for farmers and exporters while addressing the barriers that have historically hindered market access.

Uganda is adopting a digital traceability system aimed at boosting the global competitiveness of its fruit and vegetable farmers, Dr. Caroline Nankinga from the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries revealed at a press conference held on September 23.

Dr. Nankinga emphasized the system’s role in enhancing efficiency, noting that, starting September 30, 2024, agricultural inspectors will use the platform to verify consignments, expediting operations.

The system, developed by the Re-engineering of Uganda's Sanitary and Phytosanitary Inspection of Horticulture Exports (RUSH) initiative, seeks to improve tracking of fresh produce from farms to Entebbe International Airport, ensuring compliance with international standards and reducing market access barriers caused by past interceptions. It is set to transform the inspection and certification process, replacing the outdated manual documentation methods with a streamlined digital platform.

One of the major benefits of RUSH is its ability to address long-standing challenges, such as delays and interception risks due to manual processes. Exporters can now upload essential documents online, enabling real-time compliance checks and swift corrective measures if issues arise during inspections.

Pests and diseases are major causes of export interceptions in Uganda. According to HortiFresh, a business membership organization that supports Uganda's Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (FFV) sector, in 2022, over 200 interceptions were reported due to pests, leading to substantial revenue losses for exporters​. The RUSH system's digital traceability solution directly addresses these challenges by ensuring better monitoring, compliance, and real-time corrective actions. This can help reduce interceptions, safeguard revenue, and restore confidence in Uganda's agricultural exports.

Hikmatu Bilali


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