Madagascar Plans AI Institute for Indian Ocean

By : Redaction

Date : lundi, 03 juin 2024 14:01

Last updated : lundi, 03 juin 2024 14:05

The Malagasy government is committed to ensuring the country benefits from the technological revolution. Alongside infrastructure development, it is also focusing on training a highly skilled workforce.

Madagascar is taking a step towards becoming a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) within the Indian Ocean region. On Friday, May 31, Malagasy Minister of Digital Development, Posts and Telecommunications Tahina Razafindramalo signed a partnership agreement in Marrakech, Morocco, with Professor Serge Miranda of the University of Côte d'Azur and École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées (ESTIA) in France. The agreement launches a feasibility study for the establishment of an International Institute of Applied Artificial Intelligence for the Indian Ocean region.

According to the Malagasy Ministry of Digital Development, "the creation of this institute will stimulate innovation and economic growth in Madagascar, while providing increased opportunities in education and quality employment. This initiative also demonstrates that public-private partnerships can be beneficial for emerging countries."

The project involves a collaboration between DATUM Consulting - Groupe ArkeUp, ESTIA, and the Ministry of Digital Development. Aligned with Madagascar's Digital Strategic Plan (PSN) 2023-2028, the institute aims to position the country as a key player in AI within the sub-region. The PSN highlights a critical deficit of 40,000 technicians needed for successful digital transformation.

The feasibility study will assess the specific needs, required resources, and key implementation steps for the institute. It will also evaluate the economic, educational, and social impacts of the initiative. This evaluation will consider the challenges and opportunities of integrating AI into various economic and social sectors across Madagascar. This ambitious project aspires to not only bridge the technical skills gap but also establish Madagascar as a center of excellence in AI for the Indian Ocean region.



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