Algeria, Mauritania Join Forces for Data Protection

By : Isaac K. Kassouwi

Date : vendredi, 11 octobre 2024 09:33

Like many African nations, Mauritania and Algeria have made digital technology central to their economic development. However, to successfully achieve digital transformation, these countries must bolster their cybersecurity efforts.

On Tuesday, October 8, Algeria's National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (ANPDP) and its Mauritanian counterpart signed a partnership agreement to strengthen their cooperation through the exchange of experiences and expertise in personal data protection.

"This agreement will establish an ideal framework for cooperation in personal data protection, leading to important decisions and recommendations," stated Samir Bourehil (photo, right), president of the ANPDP.

This partnership is expected to enhance the cybersecurity of both Mauritania and Algeria, as these countries place digital transformation at the center of their economic development. The agreement comes at a time of rapid growth in digital commerce, where data flows are increasingly crossing national borders, according to the World Bank.

"Crossborder remittances or cross-border e-commerce requires consistent rules across countries to provide similar level of consumer protection.  Reaching regional consensus on data protection standards is needed to ensure compatibility and avoid fragmentation," the Bretton Woods institution noted in its report Regulating Digital Data in Africa, published in May 2024.

Isaac K. Kassouwi


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