Tanzania: TCRA Unveils Tanzanite Portal, Revamps Tanzania's Communication Services

By : Hikmatu Bilali

Date : mercredi, 31 janvier 2024 15:05

In Africa's evolving digital landscape, the ability of regulators to respond to the needs of investors can help support the development of the sector. Developing effective collaborative tools is becoming a necessity.

The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) has introduced the Tanzanite Portal system, revolutionizing communication services across the nation. This innovative platform aims to simplify operations and promote transparency among service providers.

Dr. Jabiri Bakari, TCRA's Director General, in a statement released on January 28, lauded the Tanzanite Portal for its role in streamlining registration and enhancing regulatory oversight. With a user-friendly interface, the portal facilitates licensing across diverse sectors, including Telecommunication, Internet, Postal, and Broadcasting, while streamlining fee payment.

Key features like a centralized application window and electronic device certification underscore TCRA's commitment to improving customer experience and operational efficiency. Stakeholders can now submit license applications remotely, marking a departure from traditional procedures.

The portal's transparent framework enables swift responses to inquiries and feedback, promoting accountability within the regulatory ecosystem. Its streamlined electronic device approval process, complemented by a verification USSD code, ensures greater control over unauthorized service providers.

Industry stakeholders have welcomed TCRA's initiative, citing its potential to expedite processes and provide clarity in the communication sector. The launch of the Tanzanite Portal reflects TCRA's ongoing efforts to foster innovation and transparency, aligning with its mission of advancing Tanzania's communication infrastructure.

The Tanzanite Portal launch follows TCRA's commitment to openness, with routine press briefings serving as a platform for disseminating sector updates and performance reports. As Tanzania's communication landscape evolves, the Tanzanite Portal stands poised to reshape industry dynamics, offering stakeholders a streamlined pathway to enhanced services and regulatory compliance.

Hikmatu Bilali


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