Niger launches digital project to improve farmers’ decision-making skills

By : Ruben Tchounyabe

Date : mardi, 31 mai 2022 15:32

The project is in line with the government’s plan to make ICT a driver of growth and socio-economic development. 

Niger wants to capitalize on digital technologies to improve its farmers’ production and growth.  In that regard, last Saturday (May 28), it launched a digital innovation project dubbed IDAN ( projet d’innovations digitales pour les agro-pasteurs-IDAN). The project is aimed at helping boost revenues by 10% by offering access to integrated digital solutions for 35,000 farmers and pastoralists (including 15% women and young people) in Dosso, Tahoua, and Tillabéri.

IDAN will help agro-pastoralists make informed decisions daily. It will help them for instance decide “whether or not to buy inputs, the price at which to sell their milk, hides, livestock, cereals, and vegetables as well as knowing when to migrate with their herds,” explained Paul Tholen, the Dutch ambassador to Niger. 

According to the diplomat, in the framework of the project, a virtual marketplace will be created where farmers and pastoralists will offer their products. At the same time, a call center will be created allowing beneficiaries to request geo-satellite data and production tips. 

 IDAN is being developed by the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV), since April 1, 2021. It is funded by the Dutch embassy in Niger to the tune of about XOF3 billion (US$4.9 million). Its launch follows the validation (in March 2022)  of three studies commissioned to gauge its socio-economic impact on target populations. 

During the launching ceremony, Niger’s Livestock Minister Tidjani Idrissa Abdoulkadri (photo), praised the initiative that backs the government’s efforts in the improvement of residents’ living conditions and the fight against food insecurity. 

Ruben Tchounyabe


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