Morocco’s Ministry of Economic Inclusion Digitizes Several Services

By : Adoni Conrad Quenum

Date : lundi, 07 octobre 2024 10:33

The digital transformation is progressing across the continent. Morocco is ramping up partnerships and investments in the digital sector, aiming to establish itself as a key player in the industry within Africa.

On Friday, October 4, in Rabat, Moroccan authorities launched a digital procedures and services platform. This project, developed in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, aims to streamline various administrative processes.

Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment, and Skills, highlighted that the objective is to digitize 55 administrative procedures and services. The platform will leverage data management and extraction technologies to optimize public policies, particularly in employment and skills development.

This initiative follows the launch of the "Digital Morocco 2030" strategy, which places e-government at its core. Morocco aims to become Africa’s leading digital hub by 2030. According to the "E-Government Survey 2024: Accelerating Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development," published in September, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) ranks Morocco 11th on the continent and 100th globally in the Online Service Index (OSI), with a score of 0.5618, above the African average of 0.3862.

The implementation of this platform is expected to improve interactions between the government and citizens, strengthen the relationship between businesses and employees by simplifying administrative procedures, reducing processing times, and enhancing productivity. It will also improve how businesses manage human resources and interact with public authorities.

Adoni Conrad Quenum


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