Cabo Verde seeks EU assistance for its national cybersecurity center

By : Samira Njoya

Date : vendredi, 03 février 2023 12:44

With its digital footprint growing over the years, Africa has to deal with cyber threats that could jeopardize the development of its digital economy. This is the reason why most countries on the continent are betting on increased collaboration, with both regional and international partners, to clean their cyberspaces. 

Last Monday, at the opening of the TAIEX INTPA International Strategic Seminar on Cybersecurity organized by the European Union and Cabo Verde, Cabo Verdean deputy Pirmer Minister Olavo Correia (photo, left) announced his country's plan to establish a national cybersecurity center.    

He also appealed to the European Union for assistance with the implementation of that tedious project. "We want, along with the European Union, to work so that we have an effective National Cybersecurity Centre, so that we have a more robust regulatory framework so that we can be aligned with the best practices in terms of security," he said.

According to the government official, the planned center will allow Cabo Verde to deal with cyber-attacks and invest in the development of cybersecurity talents, which will also benefit other countries, notably West African neighbors.

The European Union replied it was ready to assist the country in the project given their common interests in data protection. "This is an area to which Cabo Verde attaches great importance and it is also an area to which we, the European Union, attach importance, not least because of the passage through the country of the EllaLink undersea cable, through which European data circulates, and it is also of interest to us to ensure the security of that data," said Carla Grijó (photo, ambassador), EU ambassador to Cabo Verde.

Samira Njoya


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