World Bank Invests $130 Million to Boost Broadband Connectivity in Djibouti and Ethiopia

By : Samira Njoya

Date : lundi, 11 décembre 2023 12:56

In recent years, East Africa has emerged as an economic powerhouse in Africa. To get even better results, the region has turned its attention to digital development as a key driver for further acceleration.

On Tuesday, December 5, the World Bank announced the approval of $130 million in financing for a series of regional digital integration projects in East Africa. The funding aims to bring broadband connectivity to communities in Djibouti and Ethiopia, including border areas, refugees, and host communities.

"This project is not only a significant milestone for regional integration, but also a powerful catalyst for national inclusion. By fostering a single digital market in the Horn of Africa, this initiative extends its benefits to both Tadjourah and Obock regions in Djibouti, making a substantial contribution to the country’s digital inclusion strategy," said Ilyas Moussa Dawaleh, Djibouti’s Minister for the Economy and Finance, in charge of Industry.

The financing is part of a series of initiatives supported by the World Bank to promote the expansion of a digital market in the Horn of Africa. The first operation in the series covers Somalia, South Sudan, and Kenya. This brings the total number of countries covered to five.

In choosing Ethiopia and Djibouti, the World Bank aims to address one of the main challenges facing the two countries, namely the lack of well-developed basic fiber optic networks. The World Bank's support should enable network operators, including mobile network operators, satellite operators, and internet service providers, to promote a regional digital market conducive to growth.

Ultimately, the funding will advance the integration of digital markets in the East African region by improving affordable access to regional broadband connectivity, strengthening the environment and policy convergence for cross-border digital trade and data flows, and developing digital skills. 

Last week, the World Bank also approved $266.5 million in financing for a digital transformation program in West Africa. 

Samira Njoya


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